Aaru is looking so excited.

She is explaining all these fields, temples and different things that are passing our way.

We are stopping at some spots which have a nice view to watch and relaxing for a few minutes. We are going slowly and relaxing in the middle so that Jiju and Di also can catch us in the middle. At present we are taking pictures of enjoying the atmosphere.

"Mama (uncle), come on take my picture in this angle." Rithvik shouted bringing me back from my thoughts.

"How many angles will you change?" I asked him, as he already posed for nearly a hundred photos from the time we started the journey.

He pouted and went towards Aaru and hugged her legs, in the same way, he does when he wants something from his mother.

Aaru laughed at his act and lifted him in her arms.

"Arjun, you're so bad. You made Ritu sad." She scolded me in a strict tone.

"Aaru, please not you too. Already he has a huge team against me. You are exclusively on my team." I said going towards them.

"Ok, now smile please." I said clicking their photo.

Aaru is also so interested in taking photos same as Ritu. They both made me their personal photographer.

But today feels so good. It feels like, I'm seeing my future with Aaru. I, Aaru and our kid or maybe kids.




After our little photoshoot, we stooped in nearby dabha (hotel) and to have our lunch.

Jiju and Di also reached there by the time our order arrived. We all had our lunch and resumed our journey.

This time Ritu went to jiju's car.

Hurray! I can be alone with my angry bird.

I slowly took Aaru hand which is placed on her lap and started playing with her fingers.

I slowly took Aaru hand which is placed on her lap and started playing with her fingers

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She tried to take her hand back from my hold but I held it more tightly.

After a few attempts, she understood that she can't win and stopped her attempts and relaxed a bit.

I placed small kisses on her knuckles.

She gasped at my sudden act and again tried to take back her hand.

"Arjun, leave my hand." She said with a shy smile.

I shook my head and this time placed a long kiss.

"Arjun, remember you are driving. Concentrate on your driving." She warned me in a strict tone.

"I have a focus on driving Aaru. Don't worry I can do multitasking and this special task gives me more energy." I said winking at her.

My Heartbeat (✔)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora