an unwanted change

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Madison heard the sound of a door closing, and sighed

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Madison heard the sound of a door closing, and sighed. She was finally alone in the apartment and finally fully settled in, so she could collect her thoughts. So much had happened. 

1. The baby had a lung complication, and had a very little chance to survive, 2. Eric was actually moving out, like actually, and 3. Topanga and Cory were in a huge fight that she was too tired to hear the entire explanation of. 

It was all exhausting. 

"Oh come on."

Her heart spiked at the sound of Eric's voice, and she peeled herself off her bed to tiptoe to her door. He was supposed to be picking up Tommy, but it sounded like the TV was on. Her hand slipped around her doorknob and she slowly exited her room. He was sitting on the couch, propped in front of the TV. She couldn't recognize what movie it was and was trying to place it when he suddenly turned around. 

"Oh hey, didn't realize you were still here," Eric said plainly. 

Neither did she. 

"Aren't you hanging with Tommy?" Madison inquired, lightly descending the small stairs. 

"They're bringing him to me today, sometimes they do that," Eric explained, leaning back on the couch, "You wanna sit? I'm watching Robin Hood."

It didn't sound like a bad idea to sit and watch a movie with him, and then she was pulled back into her high school brain. All those years ago sitting stiffly on his couch, just 'hanging out', popped back into her brain and she tried not to giggle. 

"What are you laughing about?" Eric inquired, amusement in his voice. 

"Oh nothing," Madison brushed off. 

She plopped down next to him, less stiffly this time, and tried to focus on the movie. This was the first time the two of them were actually acting like sort-of friends, and the first time they were completely alone together in the apartment. Something about it was exhilarating, but she didn't know what. Her eyes kept snapping to his neck, as his shirt allowed for direct view of the necklace. Even when she was around, he still wore it. Hmm. 

As the movie continued and they made small talk, she couldn't help but see his suitcase out of her peripheral. It served as an unmoving reminder that he was leaving that day. 

"So... you wanna tell me now?" Eric prodded. 

"Hmm?" Madison hummed. 

"Oxford," Eric responded like it was obvious, "What happened?"

Her blood ran cold. There was no way out of this question, no deflection she could think of. She told him she would tell him one day, and now it was that day. Why did she think that it was never coming? 

"I-um," Madison choked out, mouth feeling dry, "There was a-"


A knock on the door had saved her. Thank god for Tommy. 


It was a while later, and Madison couldn't find her keys. Topanga had called her from the hospital and said that they were allowing visitors again. She knew she had to be there before Topanga ripped Cory's throat out. As she once again exited her room and descended into the living room, she was stopped by the image of Eric, Rachel, and Jack all standing there. It seemed she had interrupted a fight. 

"The kid wants to know who's in the hospital Eric," Tommy suddenly spoke up, informing Madison of the topic of conversation. 

"Alright little man, come here," Eric caved. 

He picked Tommy up and placed him on the kitchen table. Madison played with her fingers as she waited for what Eric was going to say next. 

"Okay Tommy, um, see, I've got this new little brother," Eric explained, "But you know, don't worry, cause you're still my little brother too. But um, see, this new little guy, he's pretty sick." 

"Can we go see him?" Tommy inquired. 

Madison's heart warmed, and she finally spotted her keys - kitchen counter. 

"You want to go see him?" Eric said incredulously. 

She crossed the room quickly and snatched her keys, checking the time on her watch. 

"Well, if he's your little brother, then isn't he my little brother too?" Tommy countered. 

"I can drive," Madison spoke up, seeing Eric's eyes begin to fill with happy tears, "I was just going there anyways."

Eric nodded and pinched Tommy's cheeks. The pair waved goodbye to Rachel and Jack, well, at least Madison did, and they exited the apartment. Rachel promised they would be there as well, but not for a little while. As they waited for the elevator, and Tommy jumped into Eric's arms, Madison felt the looks of passerby in the hallway. She wondered why until it hit her - they looked like a little family. It was a strange thought, and one she tried to dismiss quickly, but couldn't stop thinking about, even as they got into her car. Hmm. 


"See buddy, he's still there," Eric said lowly. 

They were at the hospital, looking in to the small room of helpless babies. Alan and Amy were curled around the case their son was in, looking exhausted and distraught. Madison wished she could go in there to comfort them. Eric and Tommy were kneeling by the window, while Madison stood behind them. It was almost time to go, and Madison felt her heart beat by the second. As soon as they left this hospital, Eric was leaving the apartment. 

"Okay, time to take you back now Tommy," Eric sighed, lifting himself up. 

"Are you gonna come back after you drop me off?" Tommy asked. 

"Yep. I'm gonna come right back here and I'm gonna tell him all about you," Eric explained, "I'm gonna tell him how you spent the whole day with him."

"He knows I did," Tommy reassured. 

Eric smiled, leaning forwards to place a loving kiss on his forehead. 

"Hey!" Tommy snapped. 

"Hey! Come on, saddle up," Eric teased, dropping low so Tommy could hop on. 

As the pair made to leave, Madison stayed put for a moment. 

"You coming?" Eric inquired. 

"Yeah come on Maddy," Tommy agreed. 

Madison could only smile. 


A soft knock came from her bedroom door and her heart sank. She had purposefully locked herself in her room under the guise of 'homework' so they either forgot about her or thought she didn't want to see him. 


She could've cried right then. Mads. 

"Madison?" Eric corrected quickly, turning the knob. 

She knew it was a slip up, but still held it close to her heart. 

"You're leaving?" Madison inquired, trying not to seem to upset about it. 

"It's that time," Eric sighed. 

Against her better judgement, she hopped up from her bed and quickly wrapped her arms around him, so he didn't have time to protest. It had been a really long time since she had hugged him, but it felt exactly like it usually did. Her anxiety was squashed when he hugged her back with the same energy she had given. 

"You know... you can always come back," Madison said quietly, the tears crawling into her voice. 

"I know," Eric admitted, "I know." 

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