"Alair, that bastard" Tears welled up in the young man's eyes as he spoke, his voice was croaked and he tried so hard to fight back the mucus that threatened to spill from his nostrils. His eyes were reddened and his cheeks had dried tears on them and new ones were already making their appearance; flowing from his eyes like a stream.

He clenched his teeth and tightened his grip on the cup he held.

He had hoped that somehow the wine that he was drinking could take the pain away. The pain of losing someone.

He sat among two people who were also good friends of Alair and they all thesame expression.

When Alair had brought up the idea of joining the tournament they had supported him to go for it even though he had told them about his Mother's refusal for him to participate. How scared she was that there was a slight chance she could lose him to the unruly game but they had assured Alair that no harm would befall him and all would be well.

"I wished we didn't tell him to go" The second friend held up his hand to his head, "What do we tell his mother? How do we tell her that her son is dead?"

"And to think that his Father died five years ago"  The third one drank the wine he had poured for himself. He felt that maybe taking the wine would make the pain go away even if it was a little fraction of it.

"This is so sad, when do we tell her?" The first one added as tears spilled from his eyes, "How do we tell her?"

"Where do we bury him?"

As they further pondered on what to do, footsteps approached their table and the person pulled out an empty chair and took a seat.

"I'm sorry for your loss" The slightly deep voice got their attention and though it seemed as though it lightened the mood, it did nothing to ease the pain in their hearts.
Leondre studied each of their faces and he realized that this was the first time something tragic as this had ever happened to them, "I know how it feels like to lose someone close to you and for that I sympathize with you"

"Thank you" the three spoke in unison

"I would like to offer you a place to bury your dead friend, if you are willing"

"I'm sorry, but we don't have money" The first one spoke up,"We were hoping that we would be able to make some from this tournament but.." His head bent and tears pooled up in his eyes once again, "You know the rest of the story"

"I do, that is why I'm making you this offer, do take it, I ask for nothing in return"

The boys were elated with the offer but another thing still bothered them and that was how to tell Alair's mother the tragic story.

"Speaking of your friend" Leondre continued, "The King would compensate his Mother and once again, I'm sorry for your loss"
And with that he left their table and began heading out of the place. Once Cyane noticed that he was leaving, she followed right behind him.


He stopped and turned to face her, he could see that she had a remorseful look on her face and it didn't take him  much to know why.

"I'm sorry about what happened back there" She bit her inner cheek, " I didn't mean to, I wasn't trying to say it like that. Wait I know I may have said it but...

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