"Hi Maddy." I said quietly and irritatedly. "Ohh my gosh,how are you?!" She said cheekily and playfully shoved my shoulder. "Look,Maddy. I really don't feel like socializing right n-"  Maddy then cut me off. "Let me guess,you got into another fight with y/n and now your trying to run away from you're problems and clear you're head." I looked at Maddy quite suprised at how quickly she figured that out. "Not that it's any of you're business,but yeah. She's on drugs again." I said. "Well,no suprise there." Maddy said and shrugged her shoulders. "Excuse me?" I stated confusingly. "Uhgg!" Maddy sighed out loud in frustration. "Her dad got shot and died,her mom complaints about her every single move, her friend died right infront of her eye's and i definitely didn't make her life any easier." Maddy paused and then spoke again. "And she used to be a junkie. Of course she's gonna go back to doing that." I was completely confused at how Maddy was standing up for her enemy. "Sorry,but where is all this coming from?" Maddy sighed and looked down to her feet. "Well...she help me out of trouble one night. " She hesitated out of her thoughts and looked at me again. "Point is,she's a good person. And yeah she made some wrong choices but the least you can do is work through it with her. Addiction isn't something you can just turn off yah know." I was completely speechless  at what Maddy told me. I definitely didn't expect this type of wisdom from her. I expected her to talk shit about y/n and convince me to date her."You two found eachother when you both where at you're lowest, the both of yall help eachother through it and became this wonderful couple that everyone admired so much. And honestly,that kind of relationship is endgame. Don't throw you're whole relationship away because of some drugs."

Maddy was right. I can't give up on my relationship now,y/n needs me and im going to be there for her. "Yes! Thank you Maddy!" I yelled and gave Maddy a hug. She hugged me back and then removed herself. "Okay,that's enough touching." Maddy said and went back to her friend. I immediately went to my car and started driving home.

I got home and the door was locked. I unlocked the door and went inside. "Y/n!" I shouted but no one gave answer. I went to my room and saw that no one was there. I charged my phone and switched it on. I got a few voice messages from y/n. I listened to the voice messages and she told me that she's waiting for me by Austin. I understand why she's there since Austin is my bestfriend but he supposed to be having another party tonight so i didn't want to go because i didn't want to get drunk or anything.

I left my phone on charge and i got back in my car. I started driving to Austin's house

I got to Austin's house and went inside. I looked for y/n all in the living room,front yard,back yard,kitchen and bathroom but i couldn't find her. She couldn't have gone home because her car is still parked here. I came to the entertainment area and saw a couple of stoners sitting onside and smoking. I walked over to them and asked if they'd  seen y/n. "Hey,has any of you seen y/n?" I asked the group of people. "Yeah,infact she sat here and got high with us just after drinking like a wholesome of wine." I sighed and then continued talking. "Okay,can you tell me where she is?" I asked the one boy. "Uhh,Austin came and took here upstairs." I then started to get confused. Why would Austin take y/n upstairs? I went upstairs and walked to his room. I opened the door to see Austin putting on clothes and y/n laying in Austin's bed and it looked like she didn't have any clothes on. "WHAT THE FUCK!" I shouted causing both of them to look at me in suprise."Aidan,dude come on-" Austin tryed to speak but i cut him off. "Fuck you Austin. I can't believe you had sex with my girlfriend!" I shouted at him as my face was filled with tears."Hey,she's the one who threw herself on me." Austin defended but y/n spoke up. "What the fuck! That's not true!" Y/n shouted.

I didn't know who to believe,but they where both in this room and in that bed. It was too much for me to handle,all that i was able to to do was run downstairs and out of that house.

As i was running down the stairs i felt someone grab me on my shoulder and i knew exactly who it was. I turned around and punched Austin in his face. He look at me in shock and punched me back and so on we started fighting. Everyone came around us and started recording us. Other two boys came along and broke up the fight. I felt how my eye started to hurt and Austin nose was bleeding. "Aidan i told you,y/n was all over me and i assumed that you two broke up. I wouldn't do anything to hurt on purpose man." Austin said as he was keeping his nose. Y/n then came running down the stairs and everyone started staring her and started recording her too,she was almost half naked. "You can have her. You both disgust me!" I said before going outside of the house. I got into my car and saw some people kicking and spray painting someone's car. It was y/n's car. Someone even managed to take the battery out of her car. So she won't be able to come back home. Maby its for the best,i don't think I'll be able to talk to her anytime soon. I then started driving home.

So i thought about writing another book about Aidan. Im not sure if i should do it or not. Please let me know in the comments if i should. And comment if you think i should do a face reveal😉

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