His other half

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This chapter is requested by SuhaniPeehu I hope you'll enjoy this chapter 💜

Taehyung's POV

I've gone as far as I can on this path alone. I've learned how to walk alone, how to carry others, how to cope with and solve my problems alone. What's left is a form of loneliness that requires a lover to solve.

It's the need for physical closeness, for touch, for emotional warmth from a partner in life. So all I can do is hope that it comes, otherwise I am at a plateau, neither suffering nor truly in comfort, a sort of emotional-limbo.

I've been alone for so long I've got used to it by now. What's it like to feel alone you may ask? Well, let me tell you. It's like being the only planet in a universe full of stars. It's like being in a crowd yet you're closed off in your own little bubble. One is a choice, the other is not.

Being an orphan since I was a 5 year old boy, I guess a part of me chooses to be alone for I am afraid of people. Not afraid of them hurting me but afraid of what they think of me. I know what I need. I need someone to save me from this loneliness, to make me feel worthy and loved, worthy of being loved.

I shed a tear at the thought I might always be like this, hidden away in this barren home waiting for time to pass only to find out I'm still alone. It's been 2 years since I've started looking for my other half but it never worked out. The moment they come to know about me being an orphan they vanish.

I'm bisexual, so I don't care if my partner is a female or a male. I just want someone to lean on, someone to love, someone to care.

'How long will I have to wait for you love?'

I sighed heavily at my thoughts and continued walking ahead. I was walking back home from the orphanage. I work near the orphanage I grew up in but after I turned 18, I had to work for myself. So, I brought a home. Not so big yet not so small. My job pays really well, so I don't have to think about the expenses much. After I leave from work, I visit the orphanage on a regular basis. I'm very fond of the kids there and they too get very happy when I visit.

On my way to home, I saw an antique shop which I never saw before. I don't know what attracted me and I don't know how I got here but I'm standing outside the shop now. A gentle jingle of bell was heared as I opened the door and entered.

I was greeted by an elder couple, probably in their 70s. I bowed to them with a small smile.

"How can we help you young man?" The grandma smiled through her wrinkled eyes, still she was beautiful.

"I'm just looking around" I answered, rubbing my nape nervously.

"I know just what you're looking for" The grandpa answered and took something out.

It was a purple box with little white hearts imprinted on it. I looked at the couple in front of me, who were looking at me with a small smile.

"Take it with you, you won't regret it" The grandma said patting my shoulder.

I smiled and I don't know why but I felt like buying it. I didn't even see what was inside the box but I brought it.

After going home, I opened the box and there was a snow globe inside. I took it out and admired it. It was sparkling.

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