19. Percy

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Chapter 19: Percy

~morning after wink wink~

"PERCY!" my mother bellowed.

I groaned and rolled over, letting the morning sun penetrate through my eyelids. I was tired and sore from all the skating yesterday. I didn't want to wake up but after she hollered another time, I knew it was urgent. I cleared my throat and hollered "WHAT," though my eyes were still closed. I didn't want to wake up to reality. I wanted to stay in my dream world forever, where last night was just on loop over and over and over again. I had almost kissed her last night. I wanted to so bad, but I had stopped myself.

"Be a dear and go to Tyson's summer camp. They are doing some sort of celebration or play, I'm not sure. I have a meeting," her voice cracked, which I thought was oddly suspicious, "and I can't go."

I groaned harder. Why Tyson whyyyyyyy

And then I remembered: Annabeth volunteers there. Oh my gods! I jumped up and began to get ready immediately. Of course the thought of seeing her again would make me want to wake up... "Will do, mom! Have fun at your meeting," I hollered. I put on blue shorts, and my favorite shirt which had my favorite marine animal, a shark, carefully sketched upon. I put on my MCHS cap and flew downstairs, not wanting to waste a minute.

I walked into the kitchen to actually eat some breakfast, rather than starve myself to death, and saw my mom was taking out blue cookies from the oven. Delicious. There was even the perfect smell of chocolate and blueness mixed together. I might have even drooled a little. But as I looked closer, my eyes zeroed on my mom's outfit. She was wearing black dress pants and a white button down shirt, which had THREE unbuttoned buttons. Frankly, I thought it was very showy. "Mom," I cleared my throat.

"Yes?" she asked frantically. I peered at her carefully. Her eyes were moving from side to side and she was pacing quickly. She was nervous about something.

"You missed a button. Or two," I pointed out, chuckling to myself.

"Oop!" she smiled, calming down for a second, "my bad. Thanks Perce." I smiled and nodded, grabbing a cookie. She buttoned up one of them.

"They're delicious, Mom," I said, my mouth full of blue goodness and warmth.

"I'm glad, now bring Tyson one two, mkay?" She glanced at the clock on the wall. "Oh gods I have to go! Bye Percy, I love you," she waved her hands in the air and looked around. "Where's my bag?!?" she whispered, her voice on the edge of tears. She started to throw things on the floor frantically, looking for the bag. After a good 5 minutes of throwing and re-throwing everything, on the couch or floor, she found it and sighed with relief. I just stood there, eating my cookie and studying my stressed-out mom. I tried to recall if she had talked about this meeting, but everything was blank. She looked down at her shirt and unbuttoned TWO buttons! What was this, open shirt day? She ruffled my hair and smiled, walking out of the house. I stood there baffled. I was tempted to point it out to her, but then she would have just unbuttoned two more!

I wondered about my mom's meeting all the way until I reached the park. When I walked towards the camp, I saw that it was all decorated with orange streamers and blue banners. There was a small stage with curtains and spotlights and everything. Parents had begun to sit down on the small patch of grass in front of the stage. I decided to stand in the back, where I knew Tyson could see me.

Suddenly, Annabeth opened the curtains and came onto the stage. "Hello everyone! Welcome to this year's production of the Remarkables. We will start in a couple minutes so please find a seat. We have refreshments in the back. We also ask that you turn off all phones to avoid distractions during the play," she looked across the crowd. "Thank you and I—" her voice cut off when our eyes met. The gray in her eyes swirled, luring me like a trap for an innocent animal. I was mesmerized by her simplistic beauty. My cheeks instantly turned hot. "I hope you enjoy," she finished firmly, breaking away from our shared eye contact.

When the curtains opened, I instantly saw Tyson holding a gray piece of cardboard that resembled a tower. I waved at him. His eyes lit up when he saw me. He gave me a quick little wave and I couldn't help but smile at him. He was so darn cute.

The play was as perfect you could get for such small children, and I know they had worked on it for a while. I was so proud of Tyson, but I couldn't wait to see Annabeth and her proud smile and cheerfulness- oh gods. Maybe I did have a crush on her. Maybe a teeny tiny one. ;)

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