25. Percy

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Chapter 25: Percy

"Percy? Calypso? Are you guys ready yet?" my mother called from outside. She was waiting for us in the car, to take us to school.

"Coming ma!" I yelled, grabbing my backpack. "Are you ready?" I turned to Calypso.

"One second," she smiled, and reached up to fix my hair. "Yes," she smiled when she was done. I couldn't help but blush a little.

"Let's go then."

Before exiting the house, she reached out and grabbed my arm, and we walked together to the car. My heart was beating slightly faster than usual and I couldn't take my eyes off her. She was so pretty—no, beautiful. Everything about her demanded attention. She was wearing a short, tight blue dress that came up to a little above her knees. Her brown hair was braided to the side messily and she was wearing little makeup, but it made all the difference.

My mom and Calypso chatted together on the ride there. When we reached the school, Calypso exited the car and my mom called me back in before I could follow her.



"Honey, I love you, but please don't break either of their hearts. I know girls and I know that Annabeth right now is experiencing extreme amounts of jealousy," she smiled sadly.

"What do you mean? Why should she be jealous?" I glanced at Calypso, her legs crossed, standing outside the car looking down at her phone.

"You know why. Just don't break her heart, Perce," my mother smiled.

"I won't! Don't worry!" I said, my voice getting higher pitched. My blood was beginning to boil. Why was she so convinced that I was going to mess this up?

When I got out of the car, Calypso had already left, being pulled away by a group of girls. She turned back and winked at me. I smiled, happy that she was making new friends.

At lunch I sat with Annabeth and Calypso, though Annabeth joined our table a little later. I was talking about dance with Calypso, who was enthusiastically explaining her choreography.

When Annabeth sat down, I could feel the gloom and sadness radiating off of her.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm fine."

When Calypso left to talk to her other friends she sighed angrily.

"What?" I asked, mid-bite of an apple.

"I hate her," she rolled her eyes.

"What? Why?" I felt personally offended.

"She's kind of annoying and fake," Annabeth explained.

"No!" I argued. "She's super sweet! You guys should hang out, you know... you guys are actually really similar," I smiled, swallowing my apple.

"I don't think so Percy," she said. "I keep trying to get to know her, but she knows how to push my buttons."

"She's not doing it on purpose," I said.

"Of course she is!" Annabeth laughed out loud.

"Come on Beth? Why do you think she would be doing it on purpose? You're smart. You know that doesn't make sense."

"You're just being ignorant," she shook her head.

That got me mad. Me? Ignorant? I was only trying to help understand her understand that she was misreading Calypso, one of the sweetest souls on the planet. "Don't judge people you don't know. And I'm not being ignorant," I narrowed my eyes. She blew the hair out of her eyes. "What's the reason why she is annoying on purpose then?"

"You," she let out, her voice cracking and ran off, taking her bag with her.

Me? Why would Calypso be making Annabeth angry on purpose? That didn't make sense. What did make sense though, was that it was the opposite, and that Annabeth was just blaming it on Calypso. I shook my head at the silly argument between the girls and finished my lunch alone.

~time skip~

After school, the swim team wouldn't stop talking about Calypso. They were obsessed with her. Correction: the entire school was fascinated by her French spirit and kind personality, as was I.

When I entered the dressing room, all the guys were talking about their interactions with her. I was astounded by her popularity. "She smiled at me!" one said, "She talked to me in Bio," another guy bragged. When they saw me enter the dressing room, they all began to hoot and whistle.

"What?" I laughed.

"Percy, she's so hot!" Luke came up to me. Everyone knew who he was talking about.

I smiled awkwardly. I wasn't used to his attention, and I wasn't even looking for it. "She's nice," I admitted. But the feeling of her fingertips brushing my arm this morning made me blush.

"Oooohhh!! You have a crush!" he teased.

"Ask her out, man," another guy laughed.

"If you don't, I will," another one said.

"Guys, guys! I won't ask her out and you guys should just let her become familiar with the school before you start flirting with her." The thought of these disgusting boys getting near my Sunshine, Calypso, made me see flashes of red in my eyes. Plus, I didn't want to be pressured into a relationship I might not even want... the thought of having to choose between Annabeth and Calypso made me sick every time I thought about it.

But they didn't listen and they continued to tease me during the entire practice. Everyone asked me for my phone number, and asked if we could hang out sometime. They were all using me to get to Calypso, but my heart (ego) was a little pleased by all the popularity that I was receiving.

After a good hard practice, I walked around the school trying to find Calypso. When I did, I waved at her and called out, "Hey!" I ran over to meet her.

"Bonjour," she winked.

"How was your day?" I asked.

"Boring as heck, but now it's a little better since you're here," she smiled slowly.

"Come on, let's get home," I told her. 

"Okay," she said in her thick French accent. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, which i knew was an old habit, and I was suddenly overcome with the memories of France, from the first time we met, to our short-lived romance. But, for the first time since she'd came back, when the memories came flooding back, I let them linger in my mind. Thinking of what could be. 

I grabbed her hand and squeezed it, pulling her closer to me. Calypso leaned her head on my shoulder and giggled. She placed her arm around my waist and the blood rushed to my neck. She kissed my cheek. But when I turned around, I saw a girl sitting by a tree, looking at us. Her golden curls seemed familiar and when my eyes focused I lost all my breath.

You Belong to my Heart: A Percabeth FFWhere stories live. Discover now