9. Percy

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Chapter 9: Percy

I woke up with a start. For some reason, Chase's curls and eyes had been in the corners of my dreams. They creeped in, waiting to scare me.

I looked around and quickly wiped the drool off my mouth. Yet again, I was on the bus, it was like my second home.

"Bro did you just fall asleep on me?" Jason asked, his eyebrows inching high up on his face. He flipped his blonde hair. "I am offended," he said, not looking at me.

I knew he was joking, though. "I think I did, dude" I chuckled. Jason was my best friend and for that, we always used the shorter version of brother, bro. He was my bro. "Where are we?"

"Headed to the park, dummy," he laughed.

"Oh right." The memories flashed through my brain.

"Hey, Percy, what were you dreaming of?" he asked, his eyebrows waggling. "You twitched like crazy and you were drooling. It was so funny, bro. You should have seen your face!"

"I wish I could've!" I chuckled nervously, and opted not to tell Jason about Annabeth in my dreams. Personally, I still didn't know what to think of it.

"So, what was it about?" he pressed.

"Nothing," I casually waved it off.

But he knew me too well. I fidgeted with the zipper of my sweatshirt. His eyes widened. "Dang. Was it a girl?" he asked. Damn it! Why did he know me so well?

My cheeks probably gave me away, but I shook my head, no.

"It is most definitely a girl!" he laughed. "Ooo, Percy's got a crush," he teased and ruffled my hair.

I pushed him off. "I said, no, bro," I told him, again, more forcefully.

He got the message. "Fine. Fine. I won't annoy you with it," but his sky-blue eyes told other stories. "This is our stop," he said, and pulled me up from my cushioned seat.

We walked around, looking at all the different sports, or structures, we could hang out on. But we ended up hogging the swings, to the dismay of some young children. Eh, too bad for them. You snooze, you lose. It was a lesson I had learned early on, and it was probably about time they learned it too.

"So," Jason said. I looked at him. He was wearing a thin purple shirt with black sweatpants, his usual outfit after swim practice. His blonde hair shined in the sunlight. He swung back on the swing.

I raised my eyebrows. "So," I copied his tone, and then also began to swing. I pulled the neck of my blue and white jacket up to cover my neck.

"Oh, hey dude, I forgot to ask. How are your classes going?" he asked, passing me as he swung by.

I blushed because I didn't like to mention or talk about them. It made me feel dumb. "They're going pretty good —"

He clicked his tongue. "Et-et-et-et-eh," he interrupted. "What did we talk about last time?"

"Oh, right." I rolled my eyes. "Pretty well, nerd." Last time I had said good instead of well, Jason had lectured me for half an hour. From then on, I only called him nerdy. Plus, his purple frames definitely helped with the stereotype. "But since my teacher has an evil plan to fail me, I am taking some homework help classes." My mind wandered to my class from the previous day, with Annabeth helping me.

"You're taking tutoring, for a class that's tutoring you for school?" he asked. "Damn, that must be tough," he winced. I quietly noticed my flaming cheeks that had returned at the mention of the tutoring. I wondered what it could be...

You Belong to my Heart: A Percabeth FFOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora