35. Percy

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Chapter 35: Percy

"Hey so what are we doing tonight?" I asked Calypso, knocking on her door. We were walking home today because my mother had another "meeting" of hers. I was suspicious, but I was too tired to investigate further. But, tonight was what Calypso had coined as "date night." She wanted to take me out and I knew I wasn't going to be disappointed.

"Well I thought that we could go take a walk near the beach? The skies are supposed to be pretty tonight," she said, as she opened the door. "I'm getting ready, so shoo!"

I laughed. "Okay then," and retreated back to my cavern of a room. All of my clothes were strewn across my bed and floor, in an arrangement of piles and clumps. I didn't even bother to turn on the light and I immediately went to my phone, scrolling through Instagram. It was a mistake. Annabeth had posted a picture of her and Luke, sipping boba together. A part of me felt pure rage, but in reality, I was mostly sad. And disappointed in myself that I had simply given up our friendship so easily. I was supposed to be the "good guy," but I had just ended up being rude and mean. I clicked on her next story and it was a video of them taking a timed photo. My sadness deepened and I resented myself for giving her up.

"Ready Perce?" Calypso knocked on my door.

I slowly shut off my phone. "Yep. I'm putting on my shoes. I'll be right out."

"I'll meet you downstairs," she replied and a few seconds later, I could hear the soft thumps of her heels as she moved down the stairs.

My fingers itched to look at her story one more time and I couldn't resist myself, so I quickly searched up her profile and recalled the excitement I had felt from first finding her account. I had been so in love, so fascinated with her every movement. Was what I had with Calypso the same? I tried thinking about it but I couldn't come up with a straight answer.

My phone dinged with a message from Calypso to come down. Yikes, it had been 5 minutes since she left. I really didn't have the mental energy to deal with date night today, but what could you do.

As I lumbered down the stairs, I tried fighting off the growing scowl on my face. Just let it go Percy, I tried telling myself.

"There you are!" Calypso smiled.

I tried to smile for her sake. "Sorry I got distracted."

"I noticed that about you lately. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah I'm just..." I paused, trying to find the words to explain that I was so confused about everything in my life.

"Whatever," she cut me off. "Let's go, we're late."

My heart tore with her harsh words. How could she not care? "Are you okay?" I asked.

"Ugh you're such a good boyfriend. I love you for asking," she laughed. "To be honest, my nail chipped today and I'm quite mad about it."

I tried to stay calm because the most stressful thing in her life was a chipped nail, while I was questioning every decision I had made in the past six months. I smiled. "I'm sure it will be okay." It pained me so much to say that.

"Are you sure?" she asked, her eyes big.

My mind flashbacked to the night in my bedroom, how I had observed her long lashes and her gorgeous hair. It was all fake. My blood boiled and I tried to stay calm. "Yes I'm sure, Sunshine," I smiled.

"You're the best," she sighed.

I smiled. "Let's go?"

She nodded and we walked to the car.

~time skip~

At the beach it had somehow gotten worse from before, after a pleasant car ride in complete silence. We walked in silence, and the only noise we heard was the peaceful wash of the waves, coming in and out.

"So, what do you think?" Calypso asked. Her face glowed under the moonlight.

"Well, it's definitely something."

"Only something?" she pouted. "I love the sand so much!" She started running and dancing in the sand. "Dance with me, Percy!"

"Okay," I smiled. She put her hands on my shoulders and I hooked my hands around her waist. She swayed her head to invisible music.

I smiled. Maybe I just needed to focus on the good part of Calypso: how she was sweet, loving, and carefree, rather than looking at the negative aspects of her personality. Sure, she was selfish and had opinions of herself that were way too high, but at least she was calm, and loved to spend time with me. We had been inseparable for 6 months, after all. That phone call from the principal had really changed my life. Maybe I was confused right now, but I was dancing and I had a wonderful girl in my arms, and somehow that made it all the much better.

"What?" she giggled, looking at my face. I imagined I was smiling in a more relaxed way.

"I'm happy," I replied.

"Me too," she smiled, laughing lightly.

"Thank you for tonight," I whispered. Our feet were still moving, and the wind was picking up. Her skirt was flowy and the wind blew it around my legs.

"Of course, my dear," she said happily.

"No I mean it. I was feeling really stressed out and confused and I just... thanks," I laughed.

Her eyes looked enormous and I moved my hand so I could move a strand of her hair out of her face. My fingers lingered on her face before she rose on her tippy toes and pressed her lips to mine. I pulled her closer to me.

When we finally separated, we sat down, her head leaning on my shoulder and simply listened to the waves crashing down on the sand. When I went to bed that night, it was the most peaceful sleep that I had all week.

You Belong to my Heart: A Percabeth FFWhere stories live. Discover now