He decides to follow it, continuing to tread carefully. As he nears, he begins to see some sort of image appear.

Was this your dream state?

He thinks to himself that he should back out and leave you to your privacy, but whatever was in the image was calling his name.

He decides to persist, moving forward even more carefully than before.

Slowly, the image becomes clear, allowing for the reason as to why the Force was calling to him also to become clear.

You were dreaming of him.

Not necessarily just him, though. No, you were dreaming of both of you. Naked. Him, on top of you, you, writhing underneath him, his cock slowly drilling in and out of you with your hands pinned over your head by Anakin's metal hand while the other one gripped your side for good measure.

Holy shit.

He never would've guessed you were dreaming that if he hadn't entered your mind. No wonder he felt that spark--you needed him.

He's tempted to keep watching the show, but the more he stays here, the more he feels like he's going to have more of a chance to wake you up.

He makes the decision to leave, moving out carefully just as he did when he entered your mind.

Once he's out, he opens his eyes, finding his heart thudding against his chest, and you, sleeping peacefully as ever.

If it were him in this situation, he knows he'd be moving or mumbling something under his breath. But no, you're quiet as a mouse.

He stills, eyeing you, wondering what was happening now in your head. He clenches his jaw at the thought of you under him just like you pictured. For some reason, he felt... Nervous. He wasn't sure why, but apparently the growing erection in his pants was deciding his thoughts for him.

Impulsively, he wanted to touch you. That much was apparent. Obviously. But another part of him wanted to wait until you were awake so he could bring his thoughts to the table. He was anxious, though. What if you woke up and he brought it up and you got mad that he had entered your mind without your permission?

Anakin bit the inside of his cheek, eyes raking over your still body, wondering how in the world he could solve this problem.

You needed him, and he... He definitely needed you now.

Slowly, he allows his emotions decide for him, throwing all logic out of the door. His left hand finds your hip, where calloused, padded fingers find the hem of the T-shirt, lifting it carefully.

Testing the waters, he slowly presses circles into your skin, feeling burning embers rise beneath his fingers, red ribbons of heat fly through his arm and to his heart and down to his dick.

Just this much of a soft touch made his body heat rise, and he was aching for more.

He looks up at your face to see if anything has changed, and surprisingly, he finds that you're still peacefully asleep.

He chuckles, admiring your commitment to staying in that deep sleep.

To be fair, though, you had come home last night terribly tired and ready to hit the bed as soon as you walked into the door. Now that he thought about it, he wasn't really surprised that you had managed to stay asleep through all of this.

Anakin shifts his eyes down your body, looking at the way the peaks on your breasts were hard and firm, peeking ever so slightly through the white fabric. He smirks to himself, thinking of taking a breast into his mouth with the fabric in his lips, sucking intently to create some friction.

Anakin Skywalker ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now