Then Get Through This For Him - Minho

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Pairing: Minho x Male! Reader
Warnings: Kinda sad, but happy ending
Fandom: The Maze Runner

SUMMARY: Minho gets trapped in the maze overnight and holds onto the though of Y/N.

Days and days of running, and all for what? Nothing had been found, yet Y/N was still hopeful. It was this undying hope that motivated his fellow runners to always keep searching for a way out. The runners very much appreciated his cheerful attitude and ability to bring out a smile in anybody, even Gally. However, nobody appreciated it like Minho did. There's been a few times where Minho's almost given up, but one look at Y/N's face and his optimistic demeanor is enough to motivate him to do anything. Yeah Minho's feelings about Y/N often earned him playful teasing from the other keepers, but he didn't care. He was happy.

That changed when he didn't Make it back to The Glade in time. He saw Y/N's worried face waiting for him, but Minho, carrying an unconscious Alby, realised he wouldn't make it. The thought of never telling Y/N that he loved him shot daggers of sorrow through his chest, but the walls were closing. Minho could see that Y/N was about to run forward, to join Minho in his terrible fate, but Newt and Frypan held him back. Y/N thrashed and tried to break free. But to no prevail. Just as the doors were about to shut, Thomas sprinted through. Minho didn't even notice, he was too focused on the heartbroken look on Y/N's face.


Y/N stood at the Maze walls, unmoving, waiting for the return of Minho. Newt approached him. "You really should get some sleep" Newt suggested but he got no reply. Just Y/N staring desperately at the wall doors, willing them to open, but they didn't. "You know what's so sad?" Y/N finally spoke, his voice empty. "Not only am I never going to see the person who helped me cope with this never ending nightmare again, I'm also losing the person that I loved, and i'll never get to tell him that." Silence fell over the two boys once more.


Minho sat there, pain in his eyes."Oh come on! We should get up and at least try to survive!" Thomas' words fell on deaf ears. "I thought you were supposed to be a professional at this!" Thomas once more tried to get Minho to believe that this wasn't the end.

"What does it matter? Huh? We're going to die, and I'm never going to see Y/N again!" Minho's voice echoed off of the Maze's walls.

"Who's Y/N?"

"He's just another runner."

Thomas knew that that wasn't all, Minho had said his name specially for a reason. "Who is he to you?"

Minho sat in thoughtful quiet for a few seconds.

"I love him."

"Then get through this for him! Think how sad that poor shuck would be if you didn't make it!" Just like Thomas hoped, that was enough to motivate the keeper of runners.


The time for the doors to open came. The Gladers gathered around in hope that their three friends were still alive. Y/N stood in the same spot that he did all night. The doors started to open. Y/N willed them to open quicker, hanging onto the last shred of hope that they were okay.

There they were. Y/N immediately ran as fast as he could into the Maze. "Y/N! I'm so-" Minho greeted Y/N just to be cut of by lips crashing into his. Minho fought his surprise and eventually kissed back. Y/N pulled back, a big grin on his face. In that moment Minho forgot all his worries about Alby, the Maze, Grievers, all of it. He looked at Y/N and laughed, going in for another kiss.

Credits: male-reader-writing on tumblr

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