Anywhere - Richie Tozier

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Pairing: Richie Tozier x Male! Reader
Warnings: cursing
Fandom: IT

You cringed once again as you heard another glass bottle shatter. You had locked yourself in your room when your dad started yelling. At first, it was at you. At you personality, at your choices... You just wanted to tell the truth. But the truth isn't always what people like.

Then, when your mom started defending you, he turned it to her. That's when you ran down the hall, right into your room. You knew that part got messy. That's when he got violent. And while you wished you could help, you knew your presence would only make the entire situation worse.

You thought back to his words earlier, but you couldn't find yourself to be hurt by them. Somehow, you wanted to be. You wanted to care enough about him crave his approval, his attention. But you didn't.

You were shuffling around your drawer for the walkman you hadn't used in weeks, ready to turn on a tape and block out the yelling and the world itself, when a knock came on your window. You spun around and sighed in relief to see the light reflecting off of a pair of glasses.

You moved to it and unlocked it quickly, opening it for the Hawaiian shirt-clad boy squatting on your windowsill.

"I heard the yelling," Richie shrugged when you arched a brow at him. "You told him?"

You nodded. "Either I told him or he found out. It was easier this way."

He nodded, then stood on the sill and reached a hand down to you. "Then where do you wanna go?"

You looked to his hand, then to the sun reflecting on his dark, curly hair. The sunlight streaming through the tree outside your window made his freckles even more prominent than usual. You could take the yelling. You could take whatever your dad threw at you, whatever shaky questions your mom would ask. It was worth it for this boy.

You took his hand and stepped onto your desk. You were barely taller than him, but boy did you love the way you had to drop your gaze to look at him. "Anywhere but here."

credits: dumbasscorn on tumblr

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