Shy - Tony Padilla

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Pairing: Tony Padilla x Male! Reader
Warnings: [N/A]
Fandom: 13 Reasons Why

You stared at the books in front of you, but unable to fully focus. You glanced up at Jeff who you were supposed to be helping study. Clay was sick so you promised to help Jeff study for his history exam, but once Tony walked into the library you were unable to even think about history. You asked Jeff easy questions while trying to subtly glance at Tony every few minutes. You'd had a crush on him for the longest time but you were scared, although Tony's extremely nice he's intimidating. That and you weren't even sure if he liked guys.

"He's gay if you were wondering." Jeff said bluntly without looking up.

"What?" You asked startled. He was your close friend and knew about your sexual orientation, but you had never even mentioned Tony around him.

"Tony, he's gay. I've noticed you staring at him for the past like fifteen minutes. Just go talk to him." He responded rolling his eyes at you.

"What? No-," you started but he cut you off.

"Don't make me kick your ass. Go talk to him!" You laughed at the idea of him beating you up. He wouldn't even hurt a fly. But as much as you hated it admit it he was right. You had to talk to him.

"Shut up Atkins." You mumbled before getting up and heading toward Tony's table. Your mind went blank the second you sat across from him.

"So, uh Tony can you help me with French?" You asked trying desperately to find an excuse to be talking to him.

He smiled, "Sure, but I know that's not the reason you came over here."

"And why's that?" You asked, your heart was racing terrified that he knew about your pathetic crush.

"Well, your friend isn't quiet," he said chuckling, "but you're cute. Maybe I can tutor you in French tonight at Monet's?"

Credits: fakehelper on tumblr

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