Yes Sir - Tom Riddle

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Pairing: Tom Riddle x Male! Reader
Warnings: Smut, rough sexual scenes
Fandom: Harry Potter
SUMMARY: Dueling Lessons finally gave Tom the opportunity to get inside of your head- and you.

Intently, you watched him. You took note of the way his wand split his face into perfect halves, and you watched as he whipped his wand away from him to his side. He turned around, as well as his opponent, and they began. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten steps and a pivot to face each other once more. They pointed their wands at each other and spat incantations with a venomous quickness- however, Tom was a bit late. Serpensotia.

A snake launched itself out of nothingness from the wand, and before you knew it, the snake was facing you, paying no mind to Tom- who it was actually meant for. The snake, mud green and brown in color, rose with its fangs exposed. You stared at its beady eyes as it seethed and hissed at you; but before it could attack, Tom's voice rang throughout the room. In a language you had no hope of deciphering, Tom spoke to the snake and walked towards it with a calmness that gave you chills.

"Hathehhsss haa saahtheysss, seethaah aayaa sssssehh." The snake turned to him for a moment and hissed for a while, as if talking back to him. However, it returned to it's perched stance facing you. From the corner of your eye- still in the staring competition with the murderous serpent- you saw Tom grab his wand and point it towards you and the snake. He spoke it again, now angry. "Hathehhsss haa saahtheysss, seethaah aayaa sssssehh." However, the snake paid no mind and almost as if get you away from the incoming attack, Tom shouted. "Everte Statum!"

You flew back onto the wall, hitting your head and being knocked unconscious. For what felt like only a few moments, you were in a deep slumber, pulled back into reality after hearing jumbled words. As each second passed while you slipped further and further into the real world, the words strung together to make more sense. You opened your eyes to an unwelcoming brightness, dizzy despite laying perfectly still.

"Raindrops the size of bullets thundered on the castle windows for days on end; the lake rose, the flower beds turned into muddy streams, and- oh, you're awake." It was Tom, sitting next to you and reading the book you had brought with you to Dueling lessons that day. Already taking notice you were in the infirmary and nuisanced with a throbbing in the back of your head, you opened your mouth to thank him, but were interrupted. "I promise you I was trying to get the snake away from you, there are already rumors I was siccing it on you."

"I wasn't necessarily worried, I trust you." You replied calmly. Those words made Tom's skin crawl. You trusted him to save you... He was in complete control of your life at that moment and you depended on him.... The very thought of being that in control made his spine shiver. He ignored it and gave you a devilish smirk, all soft demeanor having completely vanished.

"Do you now?" Tom spoke with a cocky attitude that made you crawl into yourself- not out of fear, but from the tingling you got behind your ears and the drop in your gut. He seemed to notice because he got even more bold. "Silly. Little. Boy." With each word he inched closer to you. The way he degraded you made your nerves stand on end. You loved the idea of him deeming you too stupid to do anything yourself, but you'd never tell him that. You could feel his breath hit your lips as you realized how close you two actually were, and that made you tense even more.

Something in you just wanted to close the gap, your toes curled at the idea- but you knew you shouldn't. Just then, the door opened and before you knew it, Tom pulled away and vanished. Your face fell, was it just your imagination? Turning towards the door to see the commotion, you noticed a gryffindor boy crying and holding onto his leg. The nurse and a few other students that surrounded him took no notice of you, so you took the time to stare at the empty chair. You chalked it up to just having a simple concussion, and stood up. You wobbled a bit, but meandered your way to the exit and to through the long corridor aimlessly. "Shit... what time is it?" You spoke to yourself, expecting no answer but getting one anyways.

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