Bewitched - George Weasley

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Pairing: George Weasley x Male!Half-Blood!Reader
Warnings: None unless you feel uncomfortable with a 2 year age gap.

y/h = your house

y/f/c = your favourite colour

Summary: George meets a boy from a rather eccentric half-blood family, like the weasley twins the boy also happens to have some tricks up his sleeve.


— Growing up a half-blood is a strange experience, especially when your mom's magical side of the family don't like your dad because he's a muggle, it's not because their blood supremacists or anything but considering that you grew up in a muggle neighborhood where your mom couldn't use her powers and you couldn't learn fully about the magical world, they were a bit salty.

— Even though your mom tried to turn her magic down a notch for living in a muggle neighborhood it was still somehow present through most of your life either through your relatives putting spells on your father to mess with him and your mother or through your mother using magic to solve some tedious small task.

— Or through your nose wiggles... yes, your nose wiggles... something you had inherited from your mother's side of the family, you had the ability to perform smaller simple spells wandless through wiggling your nose slightly.

— It was probably this showcase of magic that got you your letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Which made your mom's side of the family really proud. Your mom and dad escorted you to the train station and your mom showed you (and your dad) how to get on to platform 9 and 3/4.

— When you were at the station you looked around feeling slightly nervous. You didn't know anyone here and you didn't know THAT much about the magical world either. You had no idea what you were getting into.

— As you walked towards the train door with your parents you heard a red-headed woman mentioning something to her sons about blowing up a toilet.

— Your dad then helped you get your trunk on board the train and into a small compartment. You then said goodbye to both your parents and sat down in the compartment.

— You waved goodbye to your parents as the train left the platform. As soon as the train had left the station there was a knock on the sliding door, it was two girls they were wearing red ties which means if you remembered correctly meant they were from Gryffindor house.

— "Hi, excuse us would it be okay if my friend and I sat in here? Everywhere else seems to be taken." one of the girls said. "Of course," you said and gestured to the seat in front of you. The girls thanked you and helped each other get their trunks up on the luggage rack.

— " You're a first-year, right?" One of the girls asked. "Yes, what year are you two in?" you asked curiously. " We're starting our third year" one of them answered.

— "I'm Angelina by the way, Angelina Johnson," the girl who had asked if they could sit in the compartment said, she then continued and said, "This is Alicia Spinnet"  gesturing to the other girl.

— "Nice to meet you, I'm Y/n L/n"

— You ended up bonding well with the girls, the three of you talked about the different ways you were introduced to the wizarding world.

— They also told you that they are on the house quidditch team, Angelina was a chaser and Alicia was a reserve chaser but was hopefully getting promoted to official chaser this year. You had never seen an actual quidditch game but from what you'd heard from your relatives it sounded very exciting.

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