Droplets - Peter Park

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Pairing: Peter Parker x Male! Reader
Warnings: none
Fandom: MCU
SUMMARY: When it rains, it pours. Now if only Peter remembered his umbrella.

The sky had been dark all day. The moment Peter woke up he knew it was going to be a day of just rain and overall gloominess. That thought was only proven right after halfway through his school day it started to absolutely pour outside.

By the time Peter had finished school the rain had stopped. He was thankful for that. He was especially thankful since Happy was running late to pick him up. He stood there for a while before a text from the man appeared on his phone. 'Hey, an issue came up. Can't get you today. -H'

"Great." Peter sighed and pocketed his phone. As if the universe sensed his day wasn't going well, the skies dumped all the water it held once again. Soon Peter was drenched as the rain poured down on him. "Of course. Just my luck."

Peter was just about to begin walking back to his apartment when he felt the rain stop. The only thing...the rain was still very much going. He looked up and saw an umbrella covering the top of him. "You know...maybe you should have brought a coat at least." Peter turned and saw his classmate and crush M/n standing close to him with a bright smile.
Peter was at a loss for words. The last thing he expected today was to be face to face just a few inches away from his crush! And here he was doing that soaking wet! No way this could go over well...right? "Y-yeah probably." Peter mumbled out making M/n chuckle.

"Hey, it's alright. Are you waiting for someone or are you walking home?" It was a simple question, but to Peter, he wasn't sure how to answer that. Not anymore at least thanks to being frozen from the shock. "Hello? Earth to Peter." M/n said waving his free hand.

Finally, Peter was able to snap out of it. "Oh! Um...actually my ride just said they couldn't get me. I was going to walk home." Peter's face was bright red from blushing as hard as he was. He blushed even more seeing the way M/n looked at him. "You were going to walk home in the rain dressed like that?" He motioned for Peter's clothes which were only jeans and a t-shirt. "Nope. Not letting that happen. Here." He pulled off his scarf and handed it to Peter.

The moment M/n took off his scarf Peter was at a loss for words. "Oh no, no I couldn't. I'm soaking wet now, I don't want to ruin your scarf." Peter really was trying his best to not be awkward but it was failing. The other boy only laughed and shook his head. "Peter, I don't want you to catch a cold. Just wear the scarf, it's okay." Peter relented and took the scarf from him. "Thanks." He quickly wrapped it around his neck and while it wasn't a lot of heat, it was enough to make him feel better. "Better?" M/n asked and Peter nodded. "MUCH. Thanks."

"You're welcome. Alright, now let's get you home shall we?" M/n said, motioning his umbrella a bit. Peter almost jumped hearing what the boy said. "Wait what?"

"I'm going to take you home. It's still pouring rain and you're still practically naked. I don't want you to get sick."

"I'll be-"

"DON'T say you'll be fine Peter. I insist." M/n said offering a challenging look to Peter. The young hero couldn't help it. He wasn't going to fight. Truth be told, he really loved the idea of getting to walk with M/n for a while. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Alright. Thanks."

"Of course. Alright, lead the way." M/n said with that bright smile once more. Peter had to admit that he felt like it was enough to warm him up every time he saw it. Peter didn't waste the opportunity and led the way back to his apartment.

He just hoped Aunt May wasn't home yet, there would be a lot of awkward explaining to do. Number one, why he was soaking wet in a t-shirt, two why Happy didn't pick him up, and three...who was this 'handsome' boy he was with?
Yeah...he hoped she wasn't home yet.

credits: iliumheightsnights on tumblr

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