2nd Choice - Cedric Diggory/George Weasley

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Pairing: Cedric Diggory/George Weasley x Male! Reader
Warnings: none
Fandom: Harry Potter

SUMMARY: In the back of your head, you always thought you were the 2nd choice in Cedric's life he proved that very easily today but at least there's a bright side to things."

When (Y/n) and Cedric got together, Cedric had just gotten out of a relationship with Cho which was already a red flag. You knew that it probably wasn't a smart idea to get with him after the breakup, you didn't want to be the rebound or the second option but your heart had another plan making you do something stupid.

During the relationship with him, you saw signs of him still loving Cho, the wandering glances, the random kisses when she was looking, or the glares at harry when he was near her but you discarded all of it not knowing how toxic the relationship was.

Over the week it seemed progressively harder for you to make excuses for his actions, that week Harry and Cho were no longer a thing which made Cedric way too happy for your liking.

"Why are so happy that Cho is now single? I'm your boyfriend unless you're thinking about leaving me for her," you paused, tears starting to brim around your eyes "cause if so hurry up and make your decision I don't want to feel like a rebound any longer."

Cedric just stood there not speaking or even trying to comfort you with cuddles, to you that was a big sign that he was thinking about it, you wiped your tears wanting to look unharmed by the situation. You got up and left, avoiding him for the next two days.

But in two days of avoiding your boyfriend, a lot can happen between now and then.

You hear someone calling you from the end of the hallway "(Y/n) slow down" you turn around to see who it is, and see your close friend George. "Yes, you big idiot what do you need?"

He catches up, "I was wondering do you wanna hang out in the astronomy tower," he paused "just you and me?" His face starting to make same the color as his hair.

"Of course, you always make me happy, happier than my boyfriend could ever do," you mumble the last part. "Cool, meet me at 8 I'll be outside the door waiting," he started to head to class.

As 8 comes around you leave your dorm and start to heading to the astronomy tower. You see George standing outside the door with a bag in his hands. "What's in there may I ask?" He grins at the question, "it's a surprise, now come on."

He grabs your hand and starts pulling you up the steps, finding his excitement amusing, you giggle at his actions. "You're so slow, let me just do this it'll be much faster," he turns around and picks you up bridal.

Embarrassed, you say "put me do, I have legs for a reason, you doofus," blushing at the action. "Shush, I'm strong I can handle the extra weight even though your light /heavy it's a good work out for me."

You soon reach the top of the stairs but what you see at the top makes your mood take a turn from happiness to pure anger. In front of you, you see Cho and Cedric making out and it doesn't look one-sided at all.

"What the actual fuck am I looking at right now," Cedric pulls away at the sound of your voice, turning to look at you still in George's arms. "You couldn't break up with me huh? or was it just too hard for you to get your fucking tongue out of Cho's mouth?" You were furious, all you wanted to do at the moment was throw Cedric off the tower.

Cedric seems to avoid the question and talk about the fact that you're in George's arms. "Can you really be talking about cheating when you're literally in someone else's arms right now?" You scoff at the comeback.

"Try again with the lame-ass excuse, do you see me shoving my tongue down George's throat?" You get out of George's arms and stand up in front of George. Cedric was radio silent and Cho looked down knowing she was at fault too.

"Since you don't wanna do it I'm breaking up with your vampire looking ass, both of you should leave the astronomy tower before I do something I regret," you say with venom in your voice.

Both Cedric and Cho get up starting to head to the beginning of the stairs but George stops them. "Wait before you two leave I wanna show you something," confused, you turn around to look at him "I've wanted to do this for the longest time" he whispers while leaning in.

Seeing where this is going you lean in and meet him in the middle for him to lay a passionate kiss on your lips. Both Cho and Cedric leave in a hurry, Cedric is angered and Cho is embarrassed.

George pulls away from your lips and presses his forehead to yours. You smile "what was that for?" Confused still not getting the memo of the kiss but enjoying it anyway. "Well since you are pretty dense I guess I should say to you is that I've liked you for a long time," he pauses then continues "I've been watching you, seeing you in a toxic relationship with that bafoon who doesn't understand what he lost."

"Why didn't you say anything?" You questioned "because I'm a shy mess when it comes to you, but now that you know I just wanna say we don't have to get into a relationship immediately especially since you just broke up with your boyfriend but would you like to give us a try?"

"Of course Georgie, you make me happier than Cedric ever could," you smile at him "would you mind kissing me again?" You ask "anything for my king." He leans kissing you with his soft lips treating you like your royalty.

You guys were in the dating phase for a while, most people thought you were already official but between you two neither of you have asked to make it official but that changed today.

George comes up to you at dinner time with a huge smile on his face. "What is it, Georgie?" You smirk at him knowing he usually blushes when you call him that in public. You see he has something behind his back knowing he is quite the prankster you cautiously ask "what is behind your back?"

He proceeds to answer by getting on one knee and opening the box that was behind his before and asking "(Y/n) (Y/L/N) will you be my boyfriend?" Everyone in the Great Hall was looking in your direction. You smile and nod your head yes, he proceeds to put the promise ring on your finger and kiss you in front of everyone.

Everyone in the great hall was clapping and shouting except for one, Cedric. He wants you back after breaking up with Cho, she found the one for her, and it wasn't Cedric but he knew he couldn't have you back because you finally found someone who would choose in every single choice no matter what.

Because to George, you were royalty and he was going to treat exactly like it.

Credits: blackhp on tumblr

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