In the Past Unbeknownst

Start from the beginning

Truth be told there was no telling if that would be right.

That large head shook, disappointed. "Of all the dragons I had to be stuck with such a soft-hearted fool."

The golden one flinched.

But this was wear the other differed, broken tail raising. "Let me go out Father, I'll prove myself. I know how to kill. It'll be just like you showed me."

And this could be a problem.

In the future.

If they ever got that far.

Sometimes the golden one wished this suffering would end.

No one deserved a parent like this.

Father snorted. "Wouldn't that be a sight to see. Ugh, it's moments like these I wish I had your sister. She would've been better than the lot I have now."

Oh yes, the mysterious sister the two young males had never met.

Father spoke of her wistfully, but something told him the two had never met.

Because it seemed like Father ended up hating everything he was supposed to love.

No wonder Mother left him.

This crossed the mind of youth.

If this sister was alive then maybe she was somewhere better.

The golden dragonet hoped so.

Hoped that out there someone lived a better, happier life than him.

"No she wouldn't have. She would've abandoned you just like mother." The white one reasoned, little fangs sticking out of the corners of his mouth.

And then Father was snarling again. "NO SHE WOULDN'T HAVE YOU FOOL!"


There went that little body again, flying straight into the wall. When it landed with yet another crack which haunted dreams the monstrous dragon was whirling on the golden one with lips peeled back with rage.

"You don't agree with him, do you?"

He shook his head. "N-n-no. B-but . . ."


"I was just wondering . . ."

"Go on, spit it out."

And so he did.

"What was her name? What was mother's name?"

And the answer came simply, clipped short.


****Alec's POV****

Alec quashed down any of the unease he felt as they stepped into the warlock's home. The small shack seemed atypical of a recluse man who had lived for hundreds of years, not much to the space beside the living room, bedroom and kitchenette. There was a little bathroom some where judging from the faint smell of soap coming from somewhere, but otherwise there was nothing to see, and nowhere to explore.

And no one to see us, which makes it the perfect place.

After Ragnor's admission back at the bar, Magnus had worked out that they all needed to speak somewhere private. The back room had been suggested, but was turned down before it took root. Apparently so close to listening ears could be dangerous.

So he tugged the old, rattling door shut as best he could before slinking over to the arm chair perpendicular to him, eyes not once leaving Ragnor. The warlock had been holding his gaze throughout their little trip. He seemed to be trying to get a read on Alec. He already knows more than I expected. But what does he want?

"While we usually talk pleasantries first, I think it'd be best to talk business now." Ragnor kept standing, letting Magnus take the remaining leather armchair. The living room might as well have been an office from how it was set up.

"Yes. And thank you for taking us to your side home instead of your main." Magnus told his friend.

Ragnor leaned against the wall, taking his eyes off of him for the first time since they left the Full Moon Tavern. "I figured going into the heart of the city would be too much trouble. Attract too much attention for you. People tend to ask questions when their prince goes missing, you know? I wonder if it's the same for dragons." A curious glance was sent Alec's way.

Startled, Alec slouched further in his seat. Does he know? How?

Magnus frowned, placing a calming hand on top of his. Reassuring warmth bled through those tan fingers. Alec breathed out through his nose as Magnus continued. "How did you know about Alec?"

"I'm a warlock Magnus. Before you're Father got on bad terms with them, Catarina and I interacted with dragons quite often. The younger ones may have forgotten, but all dragons hold themselves in a certain way. And if that hadn't been enough, the way Alec talks . . . it's far more regal than anything I've heard in the past few decades. Dragons are such remarkable creatures really. Good to see you're finally coming around to liking one . . . or is it more than liking at this point." Ragnor's smirk said it all, as did Magnus's reddened cheeks.

"U-Uhm . . ."

"Yes, it is more than liking. Magnus is my predestined." Alec explained softly. If this was a warlock —and Magnus's friend— then he surely could be trusted. The lack of a dark aura around this man too did him credit.

So he got to be trusted.

Omni trusted Warlocks too.

And so does Dad.

Like Magnus, his memories of the time dragons and warlocks were close was foggy, but he knew the old teachings would not lead him wrong. Other magical beings were friends to dragons. They all adhered to the code, the code that said magical beings would do each other no harm lest they were threatened or their lives were at stake. Neither of the stipulations were in play, so this was just fine.

"Alexander . . ." Magnus's voice was small, quiet.

"What? It's true." Alec shot back.

He could only be so patient.

The part of him that had been sad earlier fell back in the face of concern,

"Well yes, but . . . I wanted to tell him at my own pace."

"I know. But we don't exactly have time to mess around here, you know. Remember why we're here." Alec stressed his words, eyes pleading. Magnus had to know he had a point. There was no time to waste when the lives of others were at stake.

If this Ragnor was what Magnus thought him to be then he shouldn't mind.

So why is Magnus still worked up?

"Hah. I figured." Ragnor's response —with how confounding he'd already been— was hardly surprising to Alec. Warlocks always did know more than most other species. It was attributed to how long they lived, all the connections they shared.

"Wait, you did?" Magnus was stunned.

Guess he doesn't know his friend as well as he wished he did.

"Yes. I've known for some time too."

"B-but how?"


A/N: Mwahahaha cliffhanger. But eh, it's not that bad this time around. Clary and Jace will be making a reappearance soon and Malec will be Malec. Don't forget to vote and comment! Until next time!

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