chapter 3

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The girl moved the branch she was holding infront of Sebastian her mouth still in a straight line .He proceeded to walk towards her with not a slight pinch of fear just interest. Did this girl not know that he could take that branch away from her with such ease no hassle needed.

"I have told you white man leave me alone! I have nothing for you to want to have I think even handing you my life is as a joke is worth nothing,so leave me be!"she had spat at him her eyebrows turnt downwards in a scowl.

" Who said I followed you hmm maybe our parts were destined to meet again" he soothed to her his tone having no threat at all to any of a common eye though this girl didn't like it to she turned around swiftly and began her journey to only be yelled at.

Why was he yelling , why should she care she was free this man didn't control her no one could now.She began to take steps again they became he would yell louder and LOUDER AND LOUDER. She turned around and looked him dead in the face and spoke to him.

" for I need no help for I am no girl I'm a women and no women needs to be watched over like a child!" she sibilated it out for him. He only spoke and purred out for the girl "what's your name? That is all I want form you so just tell me your name my lady."

The girls face formed one of disgust and hate " Do not call me one of higher status for I wish to be nothing of them I have no bondage to them wish none so!." she held the stick now which was a few inches away from the mans face as though daring him to take another step to her. Though she looked away for a split second and said loudly. " Call me Adamma Vishal a name of which my kin had wanted to call of me but that white man....that man!" She shouted breaking the old limb that now rested onto the ground before her feet she didn't cry just looked at it and back up at the man.

"Adamma Vishal your name explains you so well do you wish to become a maid and help out with the kitchen" he questioned. That seemed like a honestly stupid question she had just escape slavery.

"I will not become a house slave for you! to just look at me like a animal." she was getting tired of this man though ciel had walked out of the carriage standing by Sebastian.

He spoke up for Adamma to hear "We can pay you if you like by of the way you look you need it." His tone was clear like daylight and Adamma looked at him and somewhat felt comfornt from the s all boy who stood by the man though she did not show it. Only nodded her head as a way of yes and they walked to the carriage.

She wanted to be free but she was a new person now and she was free.....

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