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Taking a bit of time for this one because I'm thinking of a book 2 and maybe 3 as well? But between moving countries for family and work during this time has been hell.

One year later




Evie grunted as she blocked Nyami's attack, the guardian leaping high into the air before twisting down to strike again. They were both in their human forms, sweat dripping down their bodies as Evie straightened up to cross her hooked swords together to parry another one of Nyami's strikes yet again.

Sparring on a temporary sand bank seemed like a good idea at the time after constantly travelling for the last couple of weeks that reduced Evie to a complete bundle of nerves. Her fidgeting had increased as they got closer to Oceania.

No one had said anything until an extremely irritated Nyami called for their group to take a quick break and threw Evie her hooked swords.

Taking a step back to give herself a running head start Evie charged again, bringing down her hooked swords against Nyami's own who had blocked her with ease and thrown Evie off. Evie then had used this opportunity to throw her right sword up into the air and catch it at the end of her left sword.

Continuing this extended velocity by twisting her swords in a circular moment above her head much, it had forced Nyami this time to move away from Evie to avoid her swinging blades.

Not to be deterred, Nyami waited until Evie's sword was near her before grabbing a nearby stick. Jamming down on the sword's pommel against the sand, that threw Evie's velocity off for a moment as she fell backwards. Hard. This however proved to be lucky as she narrowly missed Nyami's oncoming sword that passed inches across her nose.

Jumping backwards again, both opponents surveyed each other.

They each held a single weapon now, with Evie's abandoned sword next to Nyami. Evie watched Nyami flash a brief smile as she advanced forward, her weapon meeting Nyami's each time. Steel and sparks flying.

Evie continued to occupy Nyami for a while, gritting her teeth as the water guardian continued to push her backwards. Nyami was physically the strongest amongst the guardians other than Edda, and Evie who had considered herself quite fit was struggling to keep up with her assaults. She had abandoned her sword now in favour of forming large ice daggers around both her firsts, swinging them down at Evie.

Evie took a deep breath, rolling out of the way to avoid another blow that Nyami had delivered from above before turning to fake a left. Reaching for her previously relinquished sword, Evie spotted Nyami out of the corner of her eye.

She had started moving towards Evie and aimed for her head, determined to end the session. Waiting for Nyami to come closer, Evie waited until she was only a couple of metres away to react.

Standing up to use Nyami's own momentum against her, Evie quickly avoided Nyami's ice daggers and sidestepped to the right. Grabbing her collar with the hooked end of the sword, Evie used that to pull Nyami close to her, their backs pressed against each other before yanking her to roll her over her shoulder.

Nyami was caught unawares, only realising afterwards that she was lying flat on her back. Both of Evie's hooked swords crossed at her throat. Evie let out a low whistle.

"And the student surpasses her great master", Evie stepped back as she shook out her hair out of her eyes before helping Nyami up from the group.

A shag cut framed her face, a new look to reflect Evie's new lifestyle of living with the guardians. As each week passed, she felt more confident having some distance from everything else helped to still her mind. This helped to hone her abilities, enabling her to channel and manipulate energy of all forms which took the better part of a month to slowly master.

All that, however was still not enough to prevent Edda from accidentally walking in on Evie flexing her new arm muscles in a public bathroom in Helsinki. Evie wished for the millionth time that she had thought to cut the electricity from the lights above her when she heard footsteps coming in.

Nyami flashed her a beautiful smile, russet red lips parting. The water guardian still had her hair in long braids from the first time she appeared in Evie's dreams, swapping out the gold beads for pearls. Tiny droplets had laid on her skin that made her look like she was glistening. Her soulful dark eyes framed against long lashes, she surveyed both her and Evie in the wetsuits Irma had gifted them after meeting previously. A large golden pearl choker similar to Evie's own sat on her own neck, courtesy of Irma.

Nyami's golden umber skin seemed to drink in the mid-morning sun as she reached over to take Evie's outstretched hand. Evie had asked Nyami that one time out curiosity after her namesake, a certain river spirit. The guardian only winked at her before reached up to grasp a wooden pendant hanging around her neck shaped like a snake.

"Thought you could use a distraction after watching you jiggle Hebo's saddle loose the last few weeks", Nyami laughed before pulling Evie into a hug, her scent of paradise flower and mangosteen that reminded Evie of the sea. "Good job my dear, you have been practising". She nodded towards Hebo, "Someone is impatient to be home too".

Evie couldn't help but grin back, showcasing her gold and pearl canine as her brown eyes lit up, a black stripe running diagonally through the iris and pupil on the right side. She was about to reply her before voices of alarm from their party sounded and she was knocked flat on her back, the wind knocked out of her. Hebo had taken to charge towards her, barely missing a few of the others as he plonked his massive snout down on her stomach. A rush of air had escaped her in the process.


Hey hey!

Hope you like the teaser of the first chapter for book 2 that is currently titled, "Impetus". It was the one word my ballet teacher used to holler in class and used to describe a force or energy used to move. Something very much like Evie and the Mutineers on their own honestly!

I've also included introductions to the other Guardians along with Nyami, the next book takes place about a year after the original events in Venice back in the underwater kingdom of Oceania. Kind of like the HQ of the global underwater society after Evie leaves her post as Caspian's advisor to take up the mantle of a Guardian.

Her powers and abilities are still in development at the moment just because the idea of possessing the power of energy/life itself is extremely complex that I am hoping to tie up with the other Guardians.

But this doesn't mean that she can raise anyone from the dead, think Uncle Ben from Marvel.

Speaking of Guardians as you might be able to tell, their group isn't complete yet. The Guardians represent the four main elements along with energy itself. And I am so excited to introduce you guys to her in the later chapters. We've got some big news coming up in book 2 and its been such fun writing!

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