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Evie shut her eyes in frustration before turning around. Finn stood behind them with his arms crossed over his chest, looking like a bouncer outside a nightclub. Evie didn't want to think how much more defined Cas looked in his shirt that she didn't notice previously as he walked up to their group. His arms alone were probably the same size as her thighs.

"No, I don't think they are T.E, these are Cas and Finn. My friends." She emphasized. Shooting them a glare to tell them to back off, Evie pointedly continued. "They gave me a lift back into the city and will be taking care of my boat until I get back from our date."

"This is the guy?" Finn smiled tightly as he gave the human male a once-over.

"What's it to you, Beck?" Evie shot back, she needed a drink asap. "You're not my supervisor."

"Technically I am, on the other hand." Cas attempted to break the brewing tension as he nodded politely to T.E before holding out his hand to the human male. "Cas, nice to meet you. Evie's boss at work."

"T.E." The human male reached out to firmly shake the Crown Prince's hand.

"What do they stand for?" Cas cocked his head to once side, studying the male.

T.E could only grimace at the males before replying. "A name that I do not want to remember."

The Crown Prince thankfully noticed that they had overstayed their welcome as he nodded once again to T.E. "Ah, right. I shouldn't have asked." Gently tugging Finn away from Evie he continued. "Please continue without us you two, I think we will head back now."

Evie could only mouth a grateful thank you to Cas before turning back to T.E huffing in annoyance. "Please ignore him, my friends appear to lack any sense of decorum when it comes to crashing my dates. Wait, why are you smiling?"

T.E was now grinning as he leaned forward. "You called our dinner a date."

Evie smacked herself on the forehead. "I mean! It's just..been a while since I've dated and they wanted to witness it for themselves. No, that didn't come out right." She buried her face in her hands. "I'm just going to go."

"No, don't. That little scene has already been forgotten. You can call dinner whatever you want, I don't mind." T.E reached out to grasp Evie's hand again. "You must be lucky to have friends like that despite their uh, unorthodox methods. I like your friends eyebrow ring."

"That's the only thing you notices about Cas?" Evie threw her head back to laugh, all previous tension now forgotten.

"Well. The other one should be worried about going near a metal detector, how does he move around airports?" T.E shrugged mischievously, a teasing smile on his face as he signalled for a waiter who presented them with a bottle of red wine, a beautiful Valpolicella that the waiter poured for her, gesturing at the glass for Evie to sample
. "Ex-boyfriend?"

Sneaking a glance at T.E she was relieved that despite his surprise he was chuckling and shaking his head, looking over at Evie with a glass of his wine in his hand.

"Yes." Evie sighed out. "It was a while ago." She took another, more controlled sip from her glass as she gauged his reaction and was relieved to see that he only appeared amused.

"And Cas?" T.E prompted.

Evie snorted as she took a hefty pull from her glass and swirled its contents thoughtfully in attempt to recover from her previous embarassment. "Cas and I grew up together."

"I must get the name of the guy who does his ink." T.E scratched his chin thoughtfully. 

At least the throbbing in her head had started to lessen slightly.

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