Not Venice

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To actually enter into the city required additional transportation further out to where the Adriatic Sea met the Ionian Sea. Evie was thankful for the transportation tubes and pods that came with it, she likened them to the high-speed trains the humans had.

These modes of transport were constructed underground and through natural caverns that sat deep beneath the ocean's surface. They were extremely fast, allowing for long distances, compressing at least a day's worth of travel to less than half an hour.

"Don't you reckon it's weird? Naming a city 'Venice' when we are much closer geographically to Greece? Maybe the Mayor should consider renaming this place 'Not Venice'." Evie whispered to Cas as they waited to strap themselves in their transportation pod.

She smiled in thanks to the transportation attendant that ushered them to their waiting vessel before climbing in after her sisters.

Most pods could only hold a maximum of two to four people, and Cas' parents had been the exception with their royal guards. Cas and Evie opted to pair up, as did Morrigan and Rowena.

"Don't let Fontus hear that." Cas answered as the corners of his mouth lifted as he grinned back at her. "He would probably go on to tell you that the humans took that name from them because one of ours thought it would be funny to do so too."

She tried not to think about how close his arm was lying next to hers as the transportation attendant made his final checks on the pod before closing the glass top above them to seal them in.

Her chest had that fluttering feeling again as Cas scooted closer to strap himself into his seat. The spell however was broken with a high pitched squeal coming from outside their transportation pod.

Evie wasn't surprised when her ears picked up the answering call of a pod of whales that seemed to be situated quite a distance away.

She only had eyes at the mermaid who was knocking on their glass dome, a huge smile plastered on her face.

It suddenly felt like she was in an aquarium, where she was one of the fishes on display that the humans seem to be fascinated by.

With a quiet sigh she moved to unbuckle herself and pressed a button, opening up the dome again to smile at the newcomer.

"Hello darling, how are you?" She settled for a term of endearment as she plastered on the biggest smile she could muster. Years of witnessing Cas parade a range of girls had her adopt a friendly persona with them. Evie didn't want to accidentally make an enemy out of the Crown Prince's future mate even before she officially took over as Viceroy to the King.

Not that the mermaid was paying any attention to the fact that her name escaped Evie. She seemed too preoccupied with the individual sitting next to her.

Caspian, on the other hand did not forget the mermaid's name. "Destiny, what are you doing here?"

Evie quickly squashed down a multitude of feelings that arose in her. Evie always thought best never to stray into that territory, not when her future job was at stake.

"Look, why don't you take my place Destiny? I'll take the next one, come on ladies." Evie quickly nodded to her sisters and they made to leave the vehicle. She made to push herself off her seat but quickly halted as someone touched her wrist. Slight tingles told her that it was Cas again.

"No, it's okay." Cas smiled charmingly at Destiny who's frown melted slightly. "We are quite late for a meeting now."

"Oh, that's a shame! How long will you be staying in the city for?"

"I don't know, depends on the company." Evie knew that Cas was grinning at this point at the mermaid in front of her.

It made her want to stab herself with one of her sais if it meant escaping this conversation.

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