A surprising fit

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After seeing her family off on their respective assignments, Evie had turned back to head home to get ready. Giving Hebo the remaining treats after her mother had left, the baby serpent was unwilling to say goodbye to Mazu. He had lightly wrapping his tail around her mother's wrist, and it took a while to convince him to let go with Cas' help.

Evie had to promise the baby serpent him that she would take him out swimming over the couple of weeks when things had settled a little bit more after the gala.

Turning back to cleaning up and getting ready for the gala Evie had decided to start on her face. She still had the earring Irma had given her and the gold signet ring sitting on her left hand.

A surprising fit.

The metal band around her pinkie was buzzing slightly with the energy she felt bubbling inside of her that fed into a pit in her stomach that hadn't gone away since that conversation with Ana.

Her sense of unease only slightly ceasing when a knock her door roused her from her thoughts.

"It's just me." Cas' voice came through the door slightly muffled. "I come bearing gifts."

That was enough for Evie to break out into a soft smile as she tightened her robe around her and opened the door. Cas stood at the door frame, holding up two glasses and his hidden whiskey bottle.

He was already dressed and ready to go, Evie didn't need to stare at him to determine how well his suit seemed to fit on his frame as he strolled into the room barefoot.

Cas handed the glasses to Evie. "I had planned on celebrating with this on the last night, but I figured some pre-drinks are in order before we meet the others."

"One of the best ideas you've ever had, Your Highness." Evie exaggerated sweeping bow towards Cas before allowing him to step into her room. "Lagavulin, how thoughtful of you."

"It would have been better if I had found the bottle unopened." Cas tapped his chin thoughtfully as he poured a decent amount each for them. "You wouldn't happen to know who was responsible for consuming some of the bottle's contents. Do you Evie?"

"I have no idea what you are talking about." Evie concluded with mock indignation as she picked up her glass to inhale in the beautiful smoky notes of the drink. Cas didn't need to know that she might have needed a drink or five after finding out that Cas was starting to look for a potential mate from one of her conversations with Ula after a particularly long day.

Of all the beings in this world, the Crown Prince had to come to her for help. Her stomach felt like it had just finished a particularly challenging tap dance routine.

Cas regarded her with a cool look, his jade green eyes bearing into hers. "If you needed a drinking buddy all you could have done was ask."

"Couldn't weigh my boss down with work stress, could I?" Evie sighed as she put down her glass and moved across the room where a panelled room divider stood. Rowena had draped the stupid silky dress on a chair.

"Ev, you've been my best friend since we were born."

"Doesn't change the fact that I still work for you." Evie teased lightly as she slipped the dress on.

"That's what everyone calls my parents, that makes me feel old."

She tried reaching behind, tugging at the strings to secure the blasted dress. "Fine, as my best friend you can help me with one thing-"

"-I can't allow you to let Hebo live in the garden below your room, he is going to ruin the garden beds that Adrian built."

"My Father can be many things and saying no to his daughter's serpent is not one of them. Adrian likes a challenge as head gardener. " Evie smiled triumphantly before scowling as she failed once again in tightening her dress. "Is there any way you could tighten the dress at the back just a little?"

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