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They chose to sit a four-person transportation pod once they made their way over to the island after the day tour at Lake Garda was over. After dropping T.E, Selene and Gia back home after dinner, Evie had made her way over to the island with Cas and Destiny.

Evie was thankful that she had minimal contact with the couple the rest of the day. She felt more than happy to occupy her thoughts with Irma and Rowena who had been waiting for them at their dock. She could feel the blonde by Cas' side glaring daggers at her everytime she thought Evie was not looking in her direction but she cared little for Destiny's attention.

All she could focus on was keeping that little box of feelings sealed airtight as they got ready to head back to Not Venice.

She turned her head once again to avoid Cas' silent gaze. He had opened his mouth a couple of times as if to start talking but Destiny was always there to drag him away before he could. Not that it mattered as much as the guilt of what she had done to the girl beforehand had started to settle. Evie kept her gaze down and on her hands, where all of that bravodo come from when Destiny's silky locks found its way into her hands?

Destiny's frightened face flashed through her mind again and Evie couldn't help but close her eyes. A combination of mortification and satisfaction purring through her like one of those four legge pin cushions the humans call cats. It felt so good to put one of them in their place for once.

As the island appeared in front of them after passing through the wards, Evie nosed the boat into a space on the docks and killed the engine. Cas hopped out to drop the anchor and secured the boat by the docks, his hands strong and sure as Evie caught herself watching him secure the boat lines like he had done many times before.

It was quiet without any other of the Merfolk around, the only other boats were tied up and bobbing gently about the waves.

The other girls had run into the rooms of her boat to change she started to take off her clothes when she heard a small cough behind her. She peeked over her shoulder to see Cas' back. He had obediently turned around to give her privacy, staring out into the open sea giving her a view of his shirt that did nothing to hide his sculpted back muscles.

She chose to not say anything, quickly changing out of her day clothes until Cas broke the silence.

"You'd think between the human customs of decency and the merfolk's lack of in the waters would have spurred my sister to come up with a solution." He laughed, even though it sounded hollow to her ears as she slipped into the waters.

"She'll get there." Evie dropped her hands as she kept her back to Cas, slowly treading water with her bag slung across her chest and her other weapons strapped to either side. "I mean we can partially shift to scales if needed."

"Not in front of humans however." Cas' eyes never left her as he slowly moved to unbuckle his pants before folding them, standing in his boxers.

Evie forced herself to avert her eyes. "We can always get them to close their eyes and try really hard to convince them that they are are tattoos?" Tracing the outlines of the Crown Prince's drawers was not something that was considered professional of his Viceroy. "I got her started on watching certain superhero movies that discussed the possibility of using cloaking technology the other week. Irma really is something else when she sets her mind to building something."

"She is." Cas paused before he admitted. "Like you."

She was neck deep in water and naked as she started to shift. Turing around at his admission to meet his eyes, she was surprised to find him treading water closer to her instead. His tail helping him stay afloat. He was close enough for Evie to spot bead of water resting on his lower lip and it took everything for her not to reach over to wipe it off.

"Cas what are you doing?" Evie whispered. Her eyes darted from side to side trying to catch a glimpse of Destiny who had moved ahead of them after transforming into her tail.

Anything to avoid those mossy jade eyes.

"Eyelash." Cas murmured as he reached over to brush it away from her cheek. Her skin tingled slightly as their contact.

"Destiny is probably looking for you." She trailed off as he leaned over to twirl a lock of her hair. She couldn't help but notice yet again how lean and muscular his body was due to years of training alongside him in the military.

"What about her?" Noting that he stiffened at the sound of her name made her heart sink just a little.

Still, that didn't stop the next words coming out from her mouth. She didn't need to witness his obliques and stomach muscles gleaming against the setting sunrays as that mental box at the back of her head started to come apart at the seams.

She had to say something to distract Cas.

"Shouldn't you be preparing her for royal life?" That was as far as Evie could manage out. "Instead of bothering me about the significance of gluten-free meals?"

Goddess she was stupid and bitter for that being the first thing that slipped out of her mouth. That was extremely unbecoming as the future Viceroy to be seen as allowing their emotions rule their actions. Her mask was slipping. She took in deep breaths to control the feelings that started to come up to the surface.

In and out. In and out.

Maybe T.E could come by later to provide his own distraction.

Tearing her eyes away from Cas's physique and quickly turning around she was thankful that the waters were still cold from the night before.

"You don't see me complaining about T.E or Finn. Do you?" Cas countered. Evie lifted her chin as she whirled around to face him. That was enough to press a massive pause on the metaphorical remote that was her feelings.

"What does that even mean?"

"Nothing." Cas' jaw clenched up.

"No, do go on about how you really feel about my personal relationships." Evie added as an afterthought just to piss him off. "Your Highness."

"I don't have to explain anything to you."

"Finn and I resolved things and I have never allowed my arrangement with T.E to distract me from babysitting you." Evie countered. "Perhaps that was something your gut feel told you about?"

"Gut feel?" Cas moved closer as he picked up on Evie's insinuation. "I'm going to kill Finn."

"No." Evie could feel her fists buzzing with energy as she clenched them to her sides. Why was she getting so angry? "If you really think about it, when was the last time I dated someone? Let alone considered them to be mated with? Why can't you just be happy for me as my friend?"

"Because something is off with the human, I can't explain why." Cas retorted as he crossed his arms in front of himself. "Yes I admit I did mention my misgivings to Beck but I never intended to say anything to you because I know it's not my place to comment-"

"Why the double standards? Couldn't you even allow me some semblance of a normal life? I don't say anything about your propensity to try to bed anything that moves, Caspian." She wanted to smack her forehead there and then as Cas took in a sharp breath, nothing she was saying was helping.


Cas knew that too as his jaw twitched one again, his irises flashing. With a nod he disappeared under the surface to follow Destiny under the waves, leaving Evie with her own thoughts.

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