A fight with Destiny

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They had both woken up early, with T.E getting up first to wash up and dress. Evie was almost unwilling to rise for the first time in forever.

She had half a mind to stay in bed today with the morning sun settling on her skin and amidst freshly washed linen. Most preferably with a cup of strong black coffee in hand as she gazed out into the blue waters of the Venetian canals. Something from a Hallmark moment that she could draw inspiration from.

"We should have ordered some pastries delivered to your doorstep." Evie stretched, complaining. "I'd pay extra if they were fresh from the oven."

Between her usual sparring sessions that she had with Cas and Dana whenever she could, their previous night's activities had every muscle crying out in protest.

"We are only leaving for Lake Garda at eight."

T.E laughed quietly as he handed Evie a cup of freshly brewed coffee. "We promised to show Selene around before she left, remember?"

Thank the goddess that he did not comment about her change in behaviour last night. Then again it was a little difficult to do so seeing how busy they were with each other.

"Only if we can take my boat to the mainland." Evie yawned again before crawling out of bed. "You check in on Sel and get breakfast. I'll get my sisters to bring the boat around."

"Deal. You going to freshen up?"

"When I get home."

"At least take my shirt or something."

"Fine." Evie grabbed T.E's shirt and dialled Rowena's number.

"I will personally find a build a firepit big enough to fillet your ass." Rowena's voice was only an octave above growling after picking up on the third ring, her voice still muffled from sleep.

Evie raised her eyebrows at the threat, morning Rowena was a violent Rowena. "Well good morning to you too sunshine."

"What reason do you have to wake me up at this unholy hour?"

"I need the boat today. Where is it?"

"We took it back home last night to ours. Get it yourself."

"But T.E's place is too far from ours." Evie whined.

"Sure I'll drive it over now and walk fifteen minutes back home."


"No. Get it yourself. I spent the rest of last night helping Irma with her latest project that she built for you so you are my least favourite person at the moment." Rowena yawned before she hung up, leaving Evie to stare at her phone incredulously.

The little shit of a sister.

Evie tried calling Morrigan and Irma but they all went straight to voicemail. That meant that she had to head back herself.

Somehow that didn't feel like the reason as to why she suddenly felt so jittery.

So she distracted herself as she filled T.E in with the new developments. She would head home first to wash up and he would meet at hers with Selene to pick up her boat.

Swimming back would cut down on travel time, Evie looked down at the old ABBA band t-shirt that T.E had handed to her. She could probably throw that in the machine at their apartment to wash it when she was back home. It was a little oversized on her but she figured she could make it work on her day off in something more casual without having to cover up her arms.

With that in mind Evie took to slipping into the canal waters after checking to see that the coast was clear from any humans.

Strapping her bag to her chest after stripping off her clothes from the night before to transform, the waters felt cool and refreshing against her skin despite the sun being out for a short time only. Thank the goddess that it wasn't long before she was standing in front of her house, water pooling at her bare feet.

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