"It was interesting I'll admit." He chuckles softly parking and I see Papa with a few horses, lined up tack waiting. Oh, he knows me too well. Ryan parks and I get out, heading for Papa as I hear the screaming engines of bikes. Figures.

"Girly, you're determined to give me a heart attack?" I chuckle and shake my head at him.

"They started shit, they pay the price." I walk closer and he grabs my arm, inspecting the stitched wound. "Hog?" I ask the question lowly getting a slight nod.

"Yeah, he's already out there, waiting on you. You plan on taking one of them." I shrug as their engines shut off.

"I'm more than happy to handle this on my own." I don't like witnesses who can stab me. Walking up to Harley, I grab his tack, putting on his pad and saddle.

"This includes the club, doesn't it?" I walk around Harley and stare at Axel bored.

"I'm pretty sure it's a problem I'm solving, why?" I decide to be nice and ask him as I cinch the girth.

"I'm coming with you, this is something that affects the club." I stare at him again.

"I don't think you got the stomach for that, you're cute for trying."

"You probably shouldn't be riding right now." Angel speaks up, making me look at her and offering a smile.

"If I didn't have business to handle, I'd listen to you. When I get back I promise a few days of light duty." Angel fights a smile, probably not believing me.

"I told you I'm coming along." Axel asserts and I turn to look at him, rolling my eyes.

"Then put some pep in your step and tack up." I turn to look at Digger with an arched brow. "You ride or die yet?" He stares at him, his face twists lightly, confused by my wording.

"What?" I give a nod and step into the stirrup waiting for Axel to hurry up.

"You'll get there Cowboy." I assure, rolling my head to crack my neck as I glance over at Papa. "Want to entertain them?" He nods, tearing his blank, cold stare from Axel to give me a nod, offering a slight smile.

"Yeah, I'll dig up some interesting stories about you." I chuckle and shake my head at him. "Kota." His tone makes me look at him as he gives me a stern nod. "Getter done." I chuckle, nodding my head as I glance at Axel as he throws his leg over Trigger.

"Where are you going little lady?" I glance back at Digger and offer a careful smile.

"Later Cowboy, I'll tell you later." I turn back to Axel, my expression changing to look at him. "Ready?" He stares at me, his eyes narrowing before I get a jerky nod. I salute the people around me before nudging Harley to take off, urging him forward towards one of our hunting cabins. The one I've acquired for special guests. The wind rushing through my hair, whipping it into my face makes me giddy with excitement. Trigger keeps pace with Harley, maneuvering over the land I focus on the ride to my destination.

"What the hell were you thinking when you told my old lady you'd kill me?" I turn, arching a brow as I dismount.

"I'm getting tired of your bullshit. I didn't give a damn if you have an issue against me, quite frankly I don't have the time of day to be concerned with your delicate feelings. Hold a stiffy for me all you want, I don't care, not now not ever. But what I do give a damn about is you pissing of Digger, that shit ain't gonna fly. Next time I warn you, I'm jacking your shit up." I stare at him, before I remove Harley's tack, heading for the pasture, hogs in one, the other is empty, ready for the horses.

Axel grunts following my lead. "What are you planning to do here?" I shrug as I walk towards the door pausing to look at him, giving a nod to security.

"You'll ask your questions and get the fuck outta her so I can handle my issue." West nods back leaning against the trailer with their truck.

"I need to know-"

"You don't need to know shit about what I'm handling, it's passed your head now. It's time what I do best and fix issues." If you were man enough to handle crazy bitch, maybe this wouldn't be my issue. But like always, I'm cleaning up after you. Pushing the door open I see an old, familiar face and grin. "Hog! Long time no see my friend." He's hunched, years of hard work combined with scoliosis has fucked his posture royally. Bald, wrinkled and freckled faced he turns and offers me a toothless grin.

"Kodi-Kota, how is my favorite minion doing?" I chuckle walking over to welcome him back.

"Ahh, I'm doing decent, would be better if this asshole hadn't run into me." I offer a glare to the man strapped to a seat in the middle of the room. Oh yeah, buddy, shit got real for you.

"Ooh-Wee! So that's the reason for some grub, I'm liking it. What do you say we do, tongue out first, maybe nails then fingers. We could always go for the family jewels, I hear the small ones make good jewelry." He comments rubbing his hands together and I chuckle. He's one sick fuck, but he takes care of business well. I turn towards the man, seeing his eyes widen.

"No, we'll save the good stuff for last. Maybe if he's nice he'll keep his jewels for himself. I haven't decided how generous I'm feeling." Walking forward I crouch, staring at him. "Now, we're gonna play a game. He's going to ask some questions." I nod towards Axel. "And you're going to answer. A wrong answer means you're gonna lose something. I'll let him decide." I nod towards Hog and then I grin. "A right answer, makes this a whole hell of a lot painful for you sorry ass."

"Fuck you, you dirty-" Hog cackles and I shake my head, standing with a sigh, hearing chins clatter together.

"First wrong answer."

"Ooh-oh! I like wrong answers, it's fun for me!" I step back watching as he folds chains together and hands them to me. "Hit him in the gut, I want to see blood." I shake my head and step to the side.

"With pleasure." Reeling back, I swing them, aiming for his gut, the chains slam into him, breaking his lower ribs and he releases a squalor that matches a god's thunder. "Hog, I'm surprised you were that nice on the first blow." He grins, clapping his fingers together.

"I want to make it fun." I look at Axel seeing his raised eyebrow.

"Ask away." He shakes his head slowly.

"What do you know about the MC?" The man looks around seeing Hog's crazed look and I step behind him, unfolding the chain to rest it loosely around his throat.

"I'd answer. The clocks are ticking." To prove my point, I slide the chain across his throat.

"What-what MC? I wasn't told anything about an MC." He stutters out nervously, eyes wide as he glances at him, breathing heavily.

"Oooh, is that another wrong answer I'm hearing?" Hog taunts, hobbling forward, settling onto a stool closer than he wants, I'm sure.

"What! No-no I promise it's not-I don't know what he's talking about. She never said anything about an MC, just a girl who needed to be taught a lesson. I swear." He swallows and I shake my head. Spineless fucker.

"What did you want with her?" He asks, nodding his head towards me and I chuckle, shaking my head.

"No, I'll find that out later. You dig for the MC, that's fucking it." Axel stares at me and I harden my stare. This is my domain, step the fuck back.

"Fine." He growls. 

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