Black lives matter...

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In our world today there is so much divide,
So many strong opinions that collide.
Some people have this idea that the colour of our skin
Has anything to do with who we are within.
We've come a long way over the years,
Yet our society is still infected with racist ideas.
Some people see things as black and white,
That for some reason black people deserve less rights.
Less right to exist where they aren't afraid,
Thanks to the horrific choices some white people have made.
Some people claim they are colourblind,
They think we should just leave the past behind.
But the past is important it can't be forgotten,
Even the parts that are sickening and rotten.
Like slavery and how black people have been mistreated,
The past isn't something that just can be deleted.
Black people have had so much prejudice to face for far to long,
And that is why people who say all lives matter are wrong.
Because whilst our skin doesn't define us as people,
All lives can't matter until black people are treated as equal.

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