Taking responsibility.

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It's not always easy to own up to a mistake,
Sometimes responsibility can be hard to take.

My mental health problems have caused me to lash out,
And I have hurt people that I care about.

My disorders have a big impact on me,
And they've caused me to act destructively.

There's a lot of negativity bad mental health brings,
It can cause good people to do bad things.

It's not my fault that I've been through trauma,
It's not my fault that my life's had lots of drama.

But I am still responsible for my actions,
It's hard but I have to learn to control my reactions.

I'm not perfect, I'm a work in progress.
But the important thing is I'm trying my best.

So I go to therapy, I work on myself-
I do as much as I can do to improve health.

Recovery is definitely not easy,
But I'm determined to become the best version of me.

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