Why now part 2

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Perrie PoV
I've been in pain throughout this song so I walk off the stage and then Scott our manger runs on the stage and tells everyone the show is finished because they is a high risk of a suspected attack we don't know if it true but plz leave berfore something does. We all look at each other while I'm sitting now and the it true the arena told us. Scott and Paul said get on the tour bus and get changed.

Jade PoV
"Pez are you alright?" I say as she in pain for an hour now. "No I can't stay still I'm in too much pain." She says getting frustrated. Jesy on the phone to her mum and midwife well trying to ring the midwife who won't answer. "Perrie do you want tracksuits bottoms or pj bottoms." I say.

Leigh Anne PoV
I've googled symptoms of a miscarriage and sadly I think she is but we have to wait until Jesy finished on the phone to the midwife. Our bus driver bill said the tour bus broken down in a lay bay great. Perrie in pain and we can't get her to the hospital now.

Jesy PoV
M-ok so touch Perrie belly does it feel different?
J-yeah like it not there
M-ok ring an ablumance as it two things miscarriage or she in labour
J-ok but we also broke down
M-ok listen if she needs to push that a baby so you need to help her I'm on my way

Jade PoV
I'm trying to get Perrie as comfortable as possible but she saying nowhere. Hey mum said ask if she wants better positions and put a pillow under her tummy for support. Leigh getting towels as Perrie saying she needs to push. Perrie wasn't a us to film it to show Alex as his missing his first child.

2 hours later
Perrie PoV
I've already had the baby like 2 minutes ago.
"It's a Girl." Jade says wrapping her up.
"She so tiny." I say but all of sudden the pain won't stop.
"Guys the pain is still there." I say getting scared as they only one child.
"Ok listen ern the ablumance is here." Jesy says.

Jade PoV
The paramedics have said that she has another one twins so we update her mum,our mams and Alex until I hear her shout my name.
"Yes babe what's up?" I say.
"Can I hold u hand plz because I need one last push." She says feeling a contraction coming.
"Yeah of course 1...2....3..." I say.
"It's a boy Pez you did so well I'm so proud of you." I say stroking her hair and hugging.
While the paradmedics and midwife clean the babies I ask what she will call them.
"I want to call the girl Isla Jade Deborah oxlade chamberlain and max Jesy Leigh oxlade chamberlain."

Authors note-ok so they are more request but send any request In I don't mind and it took so long today because my family annoying me with this covid they just don't care.

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