Spine/back injury part 2

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Perrie PoV
I'm in rehearsals after I convinced management I'm fine and the doctors said it fine when truth been told I've got to take it easy but I don't want to let the others down. I've just keep putting tape on my back. My mum doesn't know about it all she knows is that it hurt from start but it gone. Alex is suspected that it still hurts but his boyfriend he knows when I'm lying and what it's like to be injured.

Jade PoV
We are in reharsels I'm eating my sandwich and got tea and watching Leigh Anne dance Claude can't be with us as his injured his knee over the break so we have the rest of the dancers dancing with us. Lorenzo is about to dance with Perrie but his getting him self ready and I see Perrie in the corner getting tape out. She told us it didn't hurt anymore so I'm going to be watching her like a hawk.

Jesy PoV
Me and Leigh anne have just left to get some food for the gang as we are not going to be finished by 7pm and we all hungry so we are getting some food while jade is staying at the studio but she eating now anyway. We decided to go to the nearest shop winch is Asda.

Jade PoV
Perrie is now dancing with Lorenzo and she got to the part where she is meant to be on the floor lift herself up and down again but she can't get up and just holds her back. I pause the music and run to her. "I didn't do anything what up?" Lorenzo said a but panicked. "Lorenz you didn't do anything ok but please phone an ambulance because she won't be able to get up. As bethan the dance coach come sober to check on Perrie. I text Leigh Anne.

Jade-come studio Asap Perrie hurt her back she can't get up also ring  Debbie
Leigh Anne-shit and ok we running

Perrie PoV
I try to get up but I can't I just cry my back is in so much pain. "Jade." I say. "Yeah babe they on there way hold my hand if you want." She says kindly. "I'm sorry." I say crying. Next thing I know pitch black.

Jade PoV
I know Perrie sleeping and she on her way to the hospital now.

Jesy PoV
"Ok so miss Edwards should be ok however for now we have this back brace she needs to wear especially when she moving about a lot however the results say slipped disc whinch we will sort and it easy to do however we want to keep her for the night one person can stay. "Jade stay with her." I say sorted.
"Guys I'm so sorry I let you down." She says. We all hug her while she laying down.

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