We Will get through this together (kilimanjaro) part 1

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Jade PoV
We have all applied to climb Kilimanjaro but Jesy went to the therapist and they said best not as she may get hate and people may comment about her weight which we didn't want and jesy is happy with the descisions because she got to stay and still be there with little mix business however Perrie seems upset that she can't take part. I remember we have to do this health check and all that before we do it so we don't get really badly Ill.

Leigh Anne PoV
We heading to the interview while me and jade are climbing to Kilimanjaro in a few days while Perrie seems quite about it during the interview,
Interview-so girls you two climbing the mountain are you ready and how comes you didn't do it?
Perrie-jade is prepared for this I've seen her reading about and talking she went on the treadmills and did some
Leigh-I'm not prepared so it going to be nerve wracking but I've got my jade with me to support me and Perrie st home will be watching
Perrie-Yeah I'm rooting for you girls
Interview -well you have some people who can do it but they can't be bothered so why didn't all you files do it
Perrie-I'm sorry what
Jade-Perrie couldn't do it due to medics reason
Interview-ok but people on twitter have said she lazy and can't be bothered
Leigh Anne-sorry we done it
Then we walk out.

Perrie PoV
Today is the day jade and Leigh are going I'm so sad I can't join them. The doctors advice me not to especially with my gastric promblem they don't want to risk it so I don't because they said it could go badly.
I cry to Jesy as the girls go.

Authors note-I know this is really short but they will be part 2 also I just had an idea what if I do one where Perrie is climbing it and is struggling and they need assistance also I've woke up today and felt rough been blocked nose,a bit sneezing,muscle aches not a high temperature but we are keeping an eye as it could be covid and if it positive I will try and write but I will be tired as I am tired.

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