Break in and we save you

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Perrie Edwards-
I'm home alone this early morning as Alex had to leave at 4am and so did ellie because ellie wanted to leave and see her mum and dad in Newcastle and Alex is at training. I've still got aniexty but i know ways to cope with it when I'm on my own. It's 5:30 winch means I should probably get up as jesy and jade will be here soon as we are sharing a taxi and Leigh Anne driving to the studio.

I'm in my bed checking Instagram and my emails and messages and I hear movement downstairs. I'm on whattapp so I text the girls.
Gorgey huns
Pez,jesminda,jadey,lee Lee
Pez-guys are you hear and opened my door
Jesminda- why
Jadey-is everything ok and we still 10 minutes away
Pez-guys there someone in my house I can hear them
Jesminda-are you sure babe because it could be your mind playing mind tricks
Pez-guys I'm being serious I can hear smashing and I'm in my locked bedroom and I can hear someone knocking and there more rooms being opened and smashed hurry
Jadey-ok listener I ring the police and jesy phone the police we won't be long and now stay calm

Jade PoV
Oh god Perrie going to be going through the roof and she was finally getting better coping with aniexty and now this could make it worse. I phone the police as we steal driving to Perrie house.
999-999 what service do you need?
Jade- yeah police please it for a friend
999-ok and what road and what happened
Jade- erm she texted us as we was leaving for work as we are little mix and she said people are in her house breaking things look can you plz get someone to hurry as she hates being on her own and has aniexty
999-Ok there on there way they should be a few minutes what her address
Jade-14 London steer
999-ok we that 3 minutes away how long are you from your firmed
Jade-a minute a way now
999-ok you have to wait in the car ok we don't know if they have weapons
Jade-ok but my friend just said they have a baseball bat and threatening to hit it with her
999-ok we are hurrying up now I need you to leave so you can help your friend a bit
Jade-ok thank you
999-your welcome

Jesy PoV
Jesy-hey Leigh Anne can you hear me through your speaker in the car
Leigh Anne-yeh what up I'm just near Perrie like drove past it 5 minutes away
Jesy-ok can you turn around plz
Leigh -ok why something something happened 
Jesy-someone broke in the house
Leigh-ok I'm coming straight away

I just want Pez to be ok me and jade have a message we look at it and it a photo of the people holding her phone and a video of them smashing her stuff up and taking things. We can hear her crying me and jade look at each other preparing ourselves to look after her.

Perrie PoV
I'm stuck they got me and found me recording them and smashed up all my things and took some. They was one thing that I just wanted to break down but they left it thank god but all of a sudden I hear police barge in and I see them look at me and shout that I called the, and then they broke the one thing and ripped it and threw it out the window. They tried to run out with me and was stopped outside.

Jade PoV
I see things out the wind ow and me and the girls look at each other because we know what they was I go and have a look and perrie outside with the man and baseball bat. She fully crying looked over. Two of the boys gave up and one decided it time and shoved the one that had Perrie and shouted at him for saying they famous you  little mix and I can't remember her and pointed to Perrie and Leigh Anne.

Perrie PoV
That was my grandma stuff all her clothes ripped and her shoes are broke I just broke down I've had it and then I see a picture of Alex and his Liverpool shirt ripped up and me and the girls photo frame cracked and one of the Jerrie photo burned and then my last time seeing my brother in England before he went to Belgium for his job.

12 months later
Jade PoV.
It been a year since it happened and perrie finally happier but she still needs someone as she has off days.

Leigh Anne PoV
Since Perrie had the break in at her home Alex has been so supportive and for the first few months Perrie was jumping every time someone opened and closed it.

Jesy PoV
My baby girl finally feels safe especially with her newborn daughter Katie.

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