We need to sort this

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Jade PoV
We can all see Perrie cracking under pressure. We are all stressed but she got more going on than anyone her mum flown to another country to see Johnnie and the grandkids in Florida for 6 months staying they longer,her dad lives with Johnnie,Caitlin on holiday and she pushed ellie away so ellie gone back to her house as she texted jesy. This happened near Christmas so we been back for 3 months and stressed but ellie saw her again to speak to her and she not eating much. Her mum had a go at her and if ended in Debbie saying she living with Johnnie for a few years so yeah she struggling but not telling us and Alex is on a loan in Italy.

Leigh Anne PoV
I've just got a text from Perrie I know the other day she had an argument with jade because she not eating but jade said she still friends with her and not leave her.
Perrie-hey Leigh
Leigh Anne-hey what's up you ok
Perrie-no Leigh anne I'm not ok my mum doesn't want to see me clearly she on the other side of the world I've got no one anymore even Alex just texted me saying I'm chanaging and he doesn't even care or no what going on he hasn't asked and he might dump me and me and jade are on the edge of not being friends because no one wants me or loves me
Leigh Anne-babe that not true we love you jade just asked babe because she worried about you your not yourself that the only thing that's changed but that fine babe we will help you and Alex doesn't know because he clearly hasn't asked babe come to the studio
Perrie-why jade Hates  me
Leigh anne-I promise you she doesn't .

Jesy PoV
I'm on my way to the studio and Leigh Anne there as she texted now saying something about pez.
Leigh Anne-guys we need to sort this out
Jade-whar happened
Leigh Anne-ok so Perrie texted saying she not ok everyone left her Alex said his about to as she changed but she not herself guys we need to sort this also jade she thinks you hate her
Jesy-Oh god show us when you get here also is she coming? I need my baby pez back
Jade-I don't hate her I hate that she won't let us in and I'm worried you could see she skinner
Leigh-she coming yes and ok we talk maybe jesy

Perrie has arrived I'm just about to talk to her but she in the booth trying to sing nobody like you but she just cried. "Perrie babe can we talk?" I say. "Yeah" She says. "Ok listern im not annoyed but I've spoken to your mum and she said that she fly out when ever you need her and our mum going to help but babe you got to let us in tell me what going on in that mind of yours because you don't seem good?" I say calm.

Perrie PoV
"Everyone hates me the hate getting bad,my mum gone and doesn't want to talk and I miss my family jes efen jade want me to leave and no I'm not fine I'm on the verge of a breakdown and haven't been sleeping or drinking jes because my family hasn't texted me since 3 weeks and Alex hasn't texted me since a month and waiting for me to text first." I say crying. "Oh babe come her no one hates you we care so much now your living with me as Ellie thought it would be better she struggling not with you but with the dogs and she wants to see friends but she said she live with us as well." Jesy says. She let's go of the hug I see jade and Leigh look at me there all group hug but I need space I feel faint..

Part 2 yes or no

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