Im coming out and we here for you part 3 last part

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Jade PoV
Perrie still crying but calmed down a bit. Jesy runs in to see how Perrie is and you can tell she worried Perrie just sitting there not even taking anything in bless her. She scared I don't think it helps with her aniexty that she found out in 2017. Sam been fired and we in the studio room talking we have an interview with captail fm with roman Kempt.

We all nervous for it because the album come out but this album we excited it new it fresh. We all walk in the radio room it is me,Leigh Anne,Perrie and then Jesy. We don't know if Sam will say anything about them but who knows so we all just got to keep an eye on our baby girl.
Roman-hey girls how are you
Jesy-we are good thank you
Roman-so is it true
Jade-is want true
Roman-ok so this person called Sam said that Jesy snd Perrie and perrie tried to attack her
Leigh Anne-well that person was on our team and we fired her
Roman-oh ok so it like revenge
Jade-we'll yeah
Roman-girls we asked your fans what a good Ballard you made and they commented secret love song
Jesy-Yeah everyone needs to hear it sheathed your straight or lesbian that why we have two versions but part 2 evyeine fsvorite
Roman-I'm sorry to ask this but Perrie are you ok you have gone a bit pale.
Perrie-what sorry I don't feel great
Jade-babe shall we get you out
Roman-ok it fine shall we get you some water
Jesy- yes plz
Roman-ok so do you all have bourfirends becusse some of songs sound love song
Perrie-Erm Erm
Leigh-me and jade do
Roman-does that means pesy  real
Perrie-I've has enough of this I'm done

Leigh Anne PoV
I run as I know pez will cry in a minute and the girls follow us shortly after talking to roman.

Jesy PoV
Me and jade walk out and OMG that was so awkward for me.
"Why did she make it that awkward why did she have to run out why didn't she say an answer." I shout.
"Jesy stop plz She was scared before of what people would thinks he wasn't ready and to be honest wirh you I think her aniexty is back. Jade says.
"Oh god let go found them." I say feeling guilty.
We walk in the room and Perrie crying I go to hug her and she said you hate me.
"No babe I don't hate you come here jade told me don't worry." I say stroking her back.

2 mornhs later
Perrieedwards- hey so I've been hiding something for a month. I'm in a relationship and this person taught me love,happiness and all the other stuff she is a girl but I don't care love is love and you should love whoever you want so yes I'm bi also some news I'm having a baby how and it twins yes this was berfore me and jesy got together whinch was 6 months ago and yes the dad Alex and Alex has said he wants Jesy and he visit his kids when he can and we remain friends

2 months later
Perrie PoV
I've got loads of hate and still do I've tried to be patient but it hard and I'm stressed Jesy doesn't know yet. She and the girls are all outside with our dancers having a mini party and I'm indoors I've been in spin but it can't be labour so I'm really worried. I then see jade look st me concerned as I hiss.

"Jesy" jade shouts and I'm off to the hospital with the twins baby boy and girl. We named them Georgia snd Matt. We are so happy they not identical but they look like me hoewer matt has hair like Alex. We named them Georgia Jade Nelson-Edwards and matt Leigh Alexander Nelson edwards it's transitional in Alex side that what ever his name is they put in the middle name snd he asked for it so we decided yeah.

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