Jerrie accident

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Perrie PoV
Me and jade are going shopping jade driving we are singing in the car but jade phone goes off. She read the text and smiles but I see a car who looks drunk drive into the side of the car and all I can do is scream JADE.

Jade PoV
I look at a text that Karl sent me and it made me smile so I text back and then Perrie screams my name and...
I wake up with a few scratching and cuts on my but I'm fine but Perrie is awake but struggling to breath. I get out the car and one man across the street helps Perrie. The ablumance is on it way he tells me. Perrie tells me to text jesy and Leigh so I am doing it now.
Jade-hey Guys meet us hospital now
Leigh-why what happened everything ok
Jade-Perrie and me got in s car crash and perrie has to go hospital something about broken ankle and 3 ribs
Jesy-omg I'm coming I phone Ellie as debs is away with Ellie mum
Jade-ok I'm here now the doctors said broken ankle could take 6 weeks and recovery for 3 weeks and then she can dance again.
Leigh-oh god she going being devaasted right Andre just parked so I be there in five

Leigh Anne PoV
We just waiting in the waiting room as pez hasn't woken up yet. Jesy just arrived with ellie. Ellie been crying but jade been silent. "How did this even happened?" Jesy says. "I don't know jade hasn't said much but the police are looking into now". I say calm as Jesy will be fuming. "Perrie Edwards family she got a broken ankle and 3 broken ribs she lucky the other driver didn't make it as he was drunk"  she says. "Wait so it's the other man fault" i say. "I don't know the police decide that." The nurse says.

Jade PoV
We in the room with Perrie she awake. Ellie and jesy told her she can't dance for 8-12 weeks depending on the recovering and she just cried but jesy said If she really wants to tour with us they just wheelchair her but who knows. I look T her felling guilty and she looks at me and away as she tries to sit up she screams obviously because her ribs.  The police come in and ask Perrie questions alone. I'm really nervous.

Perrie PoV
Police-ok Mandan was your driving
Police-who was driving
Perrie-my friend she out there jade
Police-ok was she doing something she shouldn't
Perrie-what do you mean?
Police-okmso the other driver was drunk but your vehicle you was in was also to the other side of the road nearly so it both of they faults
Perrie-ok she was texting
Police-ok thank you

Jesy PoV
The police is done and let us In The room and told us that jade also caused it. I was fuming. "JADE WHAT THE HELL YOU TEXTING WHILE DRIVING YOU SILLY GIRL HOW COULD YOU BE STUPID." I say aggressively. Jade crying saying she sorry and feeling guilty we hug her but Perrie still upset for it. The nurse said only one can stay tonight so I offered.

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