Spine/back injury

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This is based on a true fact but I've made it into a short one shot
Perrie Edwards did a q and a with the rest of the girls on Twitter and said she recently found out that she has a slipped disk and said she dies every time she dancing but it worth it

Jesy PoV:
When Perrie told us about her slipped disc I did get worried because every time we danced she missed one step and she says it hurts after. I know she has tape on her back to help her but she still neeeds to be careful but she not listening to me she being stubborn.
Jesminda-pez are you sure you can dance?
Pez-yes I can
Jadey-are you sure because I've looked up and it said rest and don't bend down to feed your pets
Pez-guys it hurts ok sometimes I'm fine so stop plz
Jesmjnda-fine but pez listern after we perform you're going to the doctors with me so I know what they saying
Leigh Anne-Babe listen it's a back injury you need to you cried when we danced in reharsels

Perrie PoV
I don't get why everyone thinks it really bad I know my own body. We currently dancing in reharsels to sweet melody for a performance we doing and my backs killing me. I get to the point where I have to stop and walk out crying because I'm in that much pain.

Leigh Anne PoV
I'm phoning the 111 and asking they advice on Perrie back.
111-Yeah so put some tape like the dancers should know or the first aid kit in and tape it straight across her back and then over for now and tell her ice helps sometimes
Leigh Anne-ok any more advice or just use tape
111-i would say get it checked out as well as carrying on won't help as the tape won't last forever but will for now
Leigh Anne-thank you

Jesy PoV
I've spoken to pez she going to get it checked out later on but for now we taping her back up. The management team rca want a word with her anyway today because of the whole situation as it been going on for a few weeks.

Authors note:
Ok guys do you want me to do a part 2if so what and I've got 2 oneshots ideas
1)a baby is born on the flight in a private jet but what band members baby and whose the other parent

2)is a Tennessee pregnancy and the baby is born in school but shall is be who shall it be Perrie baby and who else

Plz comment down below and I do it tonight or tommrow

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