Chapter 27

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Kitsune's POV:

Well, this is news.

We were about to leave when a clone met up with me in the gates. He explained how he decided to take over the Toad Sannin's Spy Network. There were no objections from the people of the spy network so he took it. 7 more blood clones that have nothing to do with their life. Wait make that 6, the one I left at the office died from dehydration.

I looked towards the old toad riding another toad waiting for him to do something. That sounded weird. Yondaime Baka placed his hand on my shoulder as the geezer toad did some handsigns.


Smoke everywhere.



I looked to where the sound is coming from to see the red headed brat vomiting his insides. Sadly it was not his insides, just his breakfast. It seems that we all teleported to a summoning world, like how I do. But since I am not in contract with the toads, Yondaime baka had to hold my shoulder. Fucking pedophile touching me without permission.

The geezer toad told as to follow him and wants to introduce us to Ma, his wife. We followed him into a small house as we entered through the door. Ma told us to eat the food she prepared which were a variety of insects and anything a toad eats. The two Namikazes had a horified expression.


I set off a Genjutsu to replace my mask with a Genjutsu mask in order to eat the food prepared. I do not want to be rude and not eat it.




It was slimy yet not the weirdest thing that I have ever tasted. The poison villager's used were still much worse than the bug soup. Geez thinking about the villagers made me almost gag. Wonder how they would react if they found out that their protector, ANBU Commander Kitsune is actually the Kyuubi brat. Oh the look of disappointment from all the plastic villagers.

We were led towards a building after lunch because Pa told us that someone have been meaning to meet us. We entered the building as a big old looking toad can be seen sitting with it's legs spread apart. Honestly a weird sight but who am I to judge.

"I brought the students of Jiraiya chan. One of them is probably the child of the propecy that you were talking about. I also brought one of Konoha's strongest ninja in order to make our chances of stoping the enemy higher."

"How can you be sure that the Child of the Prophecy is one of the two, Fukasaku? I did not tell you or Jiraiya chan that his student will be the child of the prophecy."

"But you said that Jiraiya chan's student is the child of prophecy did you not?"

"I said might, it is still not determined. The prophecy is already as vivid as it is along with the first prophecy being overwritten by the newer one."

Well that was weird. What is the child of the prophecy supposed to do anyways?

They were talking with each other while the three of us humans were staring at them, unable to do anything about their bickering. So we watched.

And watched. This is taking so long. Not as long as Author san's updates.

After a few more minutes of talking, and introducing ourselves, we were let out of the building to actually start learning how to do sage mode.


"Excuse me?!"

I shouted at the red haired brat as he stared back. He was not wearing anything on his chest, Yondaime baka also taking off his vest, his cloak, his long sleeves, and an undergarment? How the fuck is he not all sweaty under all those?

"Why do I have to do it too?"

"I don't know, I just have the feeling that we are going to sweat a lot. "

I sighed and removed my ANBU chestpiece and a black craptop. I did not remove my mask. They did not deserve to see my handsome face. They looked at me disappointed.

'Did they remove their upper clothes just for me to do so and remove my masks? No thank you'

The old toad made us follow him onto a place with many spike pillars. He explained how we should not move while trying to feel the energy around us. Bakage already knew this stage so he just had to master it more. I, did something else. I stood away from them as I released chakra around me, searching for the natural energy. I waited. And waited. And waited. Green? That must be it. I grabbed it back into my body.


"What was that for?!"

"Your nose along with your mouth and ears were becoming elongated. Your hair turned into yellow hair. I think you were getting too much natural energy in a much different method than what toads do. And why are you so far away?! You are tiring me from running to get here."

"Hai Hai."

I carried my stone slab to get closer to the two, who were ugly. Their faces were bulging and there are pores on their noses sometimes, only to be smacked by Pa.

Oh look, the brat fell. Sad he did not die though, Pa caught him with his tounge. The older fell soon after, using his jutsu to go to me. I swear they both suck.

I tried again, spreading out my chakra. It was there faster this time. The green chakra. I grabbed onto it again and brought it towards my body, absorbing the green chakra much slower this time.


I continued, with no response to the smacking. With every smack, I make the green chakra come to me slower.

Sounds of yelling, breaking and smacks filled the air as the two idiots kept on failing. Although something disturbs me. What if they saw my real hair after losing control? Somehow the genjutsu casted by Kurama gets undone when I lose control. Will they find out? What will happen to me?


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