Hinata and Kitsune( Side Story)

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Hinata's POV:( SURPRISE! )

It has been a month since the death of Naruto. As of right now, I am not as affected as the first week. To say I was sad is an understatement. I was absolutely devastated. But now, I am a little better since realization hit me sometime before. They did not find his remains or any ashes that shows proof that he is dead and I could feel that he is still alive somewhere. I believe that he may have faked his death to get away from his family who showed little to no reaction from the news of his death. I am walking around town when I see a familiar fox masked ANBU.

" Hello Kitsune san!"

Flashback to where Hinata is a wreck

I have not been feeling the same since Naruto died. My ball of sunshine, my getaway and a person who I could tell my troubles to and who understands my problems and tells me his too. It all started when we were 5. I was being bullied by three noticably older than me boys. They were calling me a monster because of my eyes. Where are they now huh! Anyway, as I was crying hugging my legs to give me comfort and to slightly drown down the insults they were sending to me.

" Hey! Get away from her right now!"
" Or else what?! What you going to do small fry?!"
" You are going to regret bullying her and calling me a small fry."

Naruto sent a punch to the stomach of the supposed leader of the group sending him to the wall and being a civilian, was immediately knocked out upon the small contact. The other two sent punches and kicks on to Naruto who dodged and blocked them expertly. He swept the feet of the other two by sweeping his feet bellow them, making them lose their balance.

" Go away! And remember this, if you bully her again, you will answer to me. Got it?!"
" H-Hai!"

They quickly scrambled away picking up their fallen leader questioning his abilities and muttering something about scary demons which Hinata heard.

" Hey, are you okay?" Naruto asked me calmly as he offered his hand to me.
" H-hai, thank you for taking care of the bullies" I said to him while bowing my head
" It's okay! I'm Naruto! What's your name?" He asked my name with enthusiasm in his voice.
" H-Hinata"
" Well then Hinata, if they trouble you again, tell me okay?"
" Hai"

I shook my head to return to the present time. Ever since that day, we began talking more to each other and helping each other out. Some people used to say that he is cold towards them but he is really nice to me. I began thinking that he only acts naturaly around me and that it is reserved only for me  .He talks to me about everything and answers my question thoughtfully. Or so I thought. After investigation, they announced that Naruto used exploding tags to kill himself in his house. I thought that we were each others guide to not kill ourselves and to tell each other our problems. I believed that he would not do it, but investigations say so.

As I was deep in thought, I accidentaly bumped into a person making me lose my balance. I closed my eyes in anticipation to the fall but I was suddenly yanked by comforting arms and into the person's chest. I tilted my head up a bit to see a ANBU mask, specifically Fox. He quickly let me go and I moved a step away from him.

" Ah Hai, I am so sorry for bumping into you Kitsune san, I was loss in thaught."
" That is fine."

Flashback End

" Hinata sama, nice seeing you here. Do you want to spar? We could try your taijutsu style that we are developing."
" Of course Kitsune san!"

We went to training groud 7 and went on our taijutsu stances. Mine was slightly different than the Hyuuga stance, adapting a stance which has a free moving style while delivering harsh attacks that closes chakra points along the way. I activated my byakugan and charged at him sending attacks after attacks which he dodges or slaps my wrists away. He also sent punches tocme which a dodged and went around it closing chakra points in his left hand making it go limp. He grabs hold onto my arm and flipped me onto the ground and placed his foot on my back. I gave up and with his help, I stood up infront of him.

" I win, but I am impressed you improved drastically over the weeks and you taijutsu style is getting better and better. I will see you again Hinata sama. Ja ne"

I began walking away with thoughts plaguing my head. His gentleness and the comfort of his hand is familiar to me.

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