Chapter 46

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Kitsune's POV:

"We are going to war"

Many shocked gasps came after the statement of our beloved Hokage. Even Minato san looked shocked, fucking actor. It was finally the meeting, all of the current clan heads were here. Every clan head stayed the same since my academy student days apart from the Uchiha. Itachi senpai was given the clan head title.

Sasuke was surprisingly very happy. By very happy I mean he stopped frowning all the time. He loves his brother too much. Who knows what will happen to him if Itachi dies.

Moving on, there were small murmurs going around the table as Kakashi nii let them do so. After a minute of soft whispers, he cleared his throat indicating that he will speak.

"That being said, it won't be other nations that we are going to fight. It would be the five major ninja villages plus Ame versus the remaining Akatsuki members. We have gathered intel that they have someone who uses reanimation jutsu."

Shikaku san raised his hand as Kakashi nii called his name out.

"So this person must be from Konoha correct? Unless the person managed to go pass our defenses undetected."

"Correct Shikaku sama, the person was indeed from Konoha although they did not need the forbidden scrolls to know of the jutsu. We have found out that the person is Kabuto, Orochimaru's former ally. Orochimaru must have thought him what to do before he became our ally. All the scrolls are still in a safe place that only I know."

It was with me. Well with the fox summonings. I am the only one who can summon foxes, me and Hinata of course. Kakashi nii found out that they were just lying around the Uzumaki - Namikaze household and trusted me to keep them until a much more suitable place is found.

"There is a bad news. We currently do not have Tsunade sama as our medic ninja because of circumstances. Not having her is dangerous concidering she is the best Medic and without her, there would be a higher number of death. So I have come up with an idea."

To everyone's surprise, Kakashi nii stood up and bowed down to a ninety degrees angle towards the Hyūga clan head.

"Hiashi sama, this may break your Hyūga traditions but your clan is probably ome of the best choices. Please allow some of your clan members to learn Medical ninjutsu. Your clan have the biggest number of people who have near to perfect chakra control."

"Please Hokage sama, raise your head. You should not bow your head."

Kakashi nii did so but he still did not seat down.

"If it's for Konoha, then I will allow it. Don't worry about traditions, Hokage sama, I have broken countless traditions being the clan head, breaking a few more will not hurt anyone."

"Thank you, Hiashi sama."

And so, all the clan heads began raising their hands slowly. Some offered members of their clan to the idea of being trained in Medical Ninjutsu.

We only had a week more before the start of the war. Atleast that is the estimation that was told at the Hokage summit. Half of the week will be used for all of the forces to arrive at the Hidden Cloud Village. The other is for preperations.

Iwa nins will act as the barriers and will be divided into all the batallions equally. Most of the Kumo nin will be placed at the closed range team. The samurais will be stationed around the safe house for all of the Daimyo. The other remaining forces will be divided between close range fighters, mid range fighters and long range fighters. Which will be then be equally divided in the last three groups.

War is exhausting.

"Now, please remind all of your clan members to stay calm when they see our allies. Specially the Puppet brigade if Suna."

The puppet brigade, a special group in Suna feared for their puppets. All of the members could use four puppets at most and were one of the biggest causes of death in the second and third great shinobi war.

The old Chiyo and her brother apparantly trained more puppet users and are still alive. The blood clone I left there has been informing me. Of course with permission from Gaara. They have atleast fifty members in the brigade, a fourth of it from the third great ninja war. And those are only the main members, there are also disciples of said members. Who knows how many there really are.

"Pardon for the intrusion Hokage sama, you said the enemy has Reanimation jutsu in their hands, are'nt they only defeated when sealed?"

"That's right Itachi sama, but not to worry. Kitsune here has been making seals to stop them. All we need to do is to restrict their movements and stick the seal to them."

I felt small glances towards my directiom before they all disappeared and back towards Kakashi nii. I was leaning by the door, which is an unusual sight since I am always standing up properly.

It's not that I am being disrespectful, but spending nearly all of your chakra and dividing that amongst more than ten thousand shadow clones has made me tired.

Suddenly, the door bursed open as a sweaty jonin entered, breathing heavily and leaning against the door. Due to my tiredness, I almost fell face first towards the floor. Good thing Sai caught me. I will let it go that he is touching me for now since he did not make a rude statement towards my predicament

"Hokage sama! Pardon for the intrusion but this is a bad news!"

"What is it?"

"Chakra traces of a foreign ninja have been spotted at the cementery of a clan!"

"Which clan are we talking about?"

"Kurama clan! The chakra signature can be found specifically at all of the clan head's graves!"

The sound of many foot steps could be heard outside as all prepared for their weapons.

"Bad news!"

This time it's Karin, a blue haired man and an orange haired taller man. All of them have scratches and burn marks on their clothes.

"It's Orochimaru! He has been taken by Kabuto just now! The lab has been exploded!"

This is really bad.

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