Kiri Civil War( Yay Filler Chapter)

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Kitsune POV:

I'm Bored.

Every single one of my blood clones all agreed that I should take a rest for three months and they would do my job. I just disbanded the team a week ago! I mean sure I have been helping the village in its entirety by doing the missions that would cost us plenty shinobi but where is all the fun if I rest? I don't get to give that blonde Bakage gifts and to scare the shit out of him. Even my clones get to have the fun of outrunning him whenever he tries to remove my mask only to leave both of us breathless before I decide I had my fun and just shunshin out of there. Atleast they sacrificed one unwilling clone to go to school instead of me. He would get to listen to lectures that are always repeated. I looked at the clock, great only a minute passed. I got it!

He stood up from the bed he was laying on, took a shower and quickly placed on his ANBU uniform and quickly hirashined to the Hokage office only to arrive to see another Blood Clone reporting in with a gift at hand and a scared Blonde Bakage.

" Hokage sama, may I please take a leave on this village."

" And where would you go?"

" I would like to go somewhere so that I could rest peacefully. The noise around my area is just too unbearable for me to properly 'rest'."

" How long will you be out?"

" For around two to two and a half months Hokage sama."

" Fine. As long as the other Kitsunes do not go with you on this little leave of yours." Bakage added earning a whining sound from the other fox masked ANBU. He then gave the original Kitsune a leave pass to present to the Eternal Gate Guards Izumo and Kotetsu.

" Of course Hokage sama."

And with that he left the office in Red Lightning, a new Elemental shunshin he developed. He quickly took a scroll with some of his clkthes, another with the neccessities of going out and finally, his tools and a few seal equipment. He made one last check and quickly Hirashined to the gates to present his pass and to sign a paper. He made his way towards the direction of where he knows where the ocean is located. He heard a news that a civil war broke loose. It was those with Kekei Genkai against Yagura, the Fourth Mizukage and his followers. He himself has a kekei genkai so why not? There is no harm to it, and besides, maybe he will get some Mizukage supporter's head as a gift for the blonde Hokage and to gain more money to spend it to who knows what, maybe he will finally upgrade his house with all the clones inhabiting it.
( A/N: It has returned )

Finally! After many running and only living off of Ramen and Soldjer pill the smell of salty breeze hits my nose. I am finally closing in on the ocean, soon enough I could arrive at Kirigakure no Sato. I could almost smell the scent of blood as my body would be covered wuth the beautiful color of crimson. I probably should stay away from Anko san, her behaviour is rubbing of me, I just met her for a week!

After a few more minutes of walking, he finally see the shore line and an available boat which he easily paid off, he is rich. He began his journey towards Kiri while looking out for any enemy ships sent by the Mizukage. But non interrupted his journey, much to his dismay. As he arrived at the main land, he was immediately greeted by fifty shinobi who were loyal to their Mizukage amidst the Bloodline Purge. He easily took care of them while taking the head of the commander of the group. He could give it for a few thousand yen to the Hokage for the bounty and he made sure that the Bakage is not to remove from his rightful bounty amount.

I feel eyes looking at me, watching my every move as their gazes burn my back. I feel uneasy but knowing this, I know that it has to be from one of the sides, the rebels or the Mizukage and his army. Getting enough of the staring I spoke up.

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