Death Sucks.

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I knew I was gone.
How anticlimactic. 1000 plus years on this earth and no choir of angels. "Damn not even a bright light", my sarcasm came out when I was angry. I suppose death made me feel angry.

"Quit being a sarcastic bitch. You are dead. Not invisible and silent. We all can hear you." I turned my eyes widening for a second in shock. Then, once I got my bearings, they narrowed. Who better to torment me? I suppose I am in hell. I must be if he is here.

A scowl fell on my face and I shooed him, "Get out of here. Go away. Evaporate. I don't care. Leave me alone. I didn't need you in life. I sure as hell don't need you now. I'd have to be crazy to want you here."

He smiled. Goddamn that awful smile and those baby blue eyes. "I saw that you really like my double. He must be a descendant of mine somehow to look so like me." His voice purred. I was past his lies. His sweet nothings. They meant absolutely nothing to me. I'd never truly love him again.

"Liked. Is the correct word. Loved even closer. Notice the past tense , and it was still much more current than when I had an inkling of nice feelings for you. My heart is with another man now. Your double as you like to call him, has given his heart to another girl as well."

His smile he would have when he teased was back. "Oh but I thought you foresaw our fates spanning an eternity." I hated how he mocked me, threw my words back at me. Sing-songed them at me. If I had my magic, I'd call on the power of the sun and burn him to ash.

His dark hair fell in his eyes and for a moment I remembered how I would brush it away. He spoke in the old language to me. Not English and it grated me to no end. He was doing it on purpose.

"Fuck off," I would not dull my words for him any longer. I wanted him gone. He chuckled. What once would have acted as music to my ears only further provoked me now. He was the reason I was in this mess in the first place. The catalyst to all things. The villain in my story.

"No, seriously. Get out of here. Let me have peace. At least while I think they hold my funeral, if you must bother me, bother me after. Wait until after." I turned away, my back toward him. I'd rip his throat out with my teeth if I had either set of fangs. The loss of them hurt.

He didn't like that reply and turned my face towards him roughly, my face was held between his thumb and fingers, his palm over my jaw. It seemed all pretenses of niceties were abandoned.

"If that little witch of yours does as he plans, you will not have long here. I have things I must tell you and our time is shortened."

The witch of mine. I would tear down the walls of death for him too. His image rested firmly in my heart. His sarcastic smile. His long spiels. His slender fingers interlacing with mine. So many emotions he had boxed away, showing them only to me, showing me what brimmed beneath the surface. I missed him so much.

Finally, I stared dead on at him taking in his baby blues, "And what exactly does he plan?"
His voice was soft no longer in the dead language, back to English. "He will resurrect you after you funeral."
I smiled. Finally, something good in death. Life!

"Good. Finally! I have been here far too long. My death has been soured by something most disgusting. I haven't quite put my finger on it." I paused looking around at the shadowy duplicate of the world I was familiar with, "Oh wait! It's you! I can't wait to leave you! I'm so bored of this. Wait...Was... Did Kol have a death like my own?"

His face fell flat betraying no emotion. There was no reason to. I knew I had struck him hard with my words. "I didn't bother Kol."

"Why not? Am I the only one who gets the special hell torment?" I scrunched my face in annoyance, wrinkling my nose as though something foul were in the air. I had to have been better than Kol was in life. He deserved the weird hell other side as well. No offense to him of course.

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