Just Another Average Day for an Original

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When I had finished my coffee, I hopped in the shower. Blow dried my hair. Angrily lamented about the sad waves and straight pieces it held. Looked through my closet where all my clothes had been nicely put away by a human servant, and contemplated each item for nearly an hour before settling on skinny jeans, a black t-shirt, and black boots that were similar to biker boots. I headed to the stairs that led down to our main floor, stopping to make a face at myself in the mirror. Dropping my fangs. Bringing them up. Sticking out my tongue. I couldn't help it. I stopped at every mirror I saw in our home, usually. It was a bright spot on normally dreary days.

I took the stairs two at a time humming softly to myself.

Nik sat in our sitting area reading a book at the bottom of the stairs. He glanced up and frowned. He looked like he had just woken up, his hair messed up and shirt crumpled. "You look like a tramp Viktoria."
My eyebrows raised, "What sweet greetings, brother. You really have improved over the centuries. I suppose I may look like a tramp, but at least I am not a whore in practice like the mother of your only child. Couldn't get a non-whore in bed could you?"
In truth I had no problem against Hayley. I knew well what would upset my brother though.

His eyes flashed amber at me and his scowl deepened. I smirked. The message was clear, call me a tramp again and I'll do worse. "It's so good that over the centuries you've only grown easier to provoke. Somethings never do change brother, it's good when us bastards stay the same."

Okay, so I deliberately pushed him over the edge. He deserved it and knew to mind his tongue with how he addressed me. His book was thrown onto the ground with a resounding thud and he growled showing his fangs. "Disrespect me again, Viktoria, and you will not like where this heads."

My own fangs dropped and my eyes likely took on a matching amber hue. How dare he? How dare he, when he had insulted me first.

We both had the personalities of an alpha when it came down to it. Someone would have to move all of heaven and hell for me to back down from any fight. It's a wonder we didn't kill each other in the womb.

I suppose it was a sign of aggression flashing my own fangs, Nik lunged towards me throwing himself in the air at me. I ducked and he sailed over me. A laugh flew out of me as he stood glowering at me. I backed down a step landing myself on level ground and could tell he became defensive. Nik, the instinctive never strategic as I was in our brawls. He held his anger in a vice while mine flowed. He was brutality and I would be precision.
I would not make a move.

In seconds he had flashed towards me slamming me into the nearest wall. My heel of my boot cracked on the impact. Damn. This meant war.
Shit. Damnit. Shit. Shit.

I hated bringing my true anger to the surface. It was unruly, an aspect of myself I didn't appreciate. I preferred to be even in anger, either speak calmly or tauntingly. Never with true rage. This was my curse, the animal.

My animal instinct flooded in, as it did when it felt I was under a threat. My claws broke free.
I always had trouble with this side, and now Nik provoked her. My humanity began to dim.

Who did this bastard think he was, throwing me around? Something that was a cruel twist of anger revolving around me flooded my senses. My hands laced into Niklaus claws grabbing into his skin and I pulled upwards. He howled in pain and anger. Rage flickering across his vision. Like a doll I tossed him across the room. The couch shattered beneath his impact and he groaned revealing three claw marks I made down his cheek.

What can I say? Get on my bad side and the littlest thing will unleash my darker half.
"Oh poor baby. Can't even get up when he picks a fight with his little sister," I meant to coo though a guttural growl was released with it. He rose, his face knitting itself back together, "What still can't exhibit any control? Still fighting the wolf?" His wicked dimples flashed and a primal growl was released from me.
I needed to tear him to bits. Intended to. He would never speak ill of me again. All other reason was left behind and my memory lay blank. I suppose that was when she truly took over. A yell echoed. It may have been me. It may have been someone else.

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