Blood Baths! Yummy

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Emotions were overrated. After draining one of the gardeners who had the bad idea to stay late working, I sped to the town over. It was within the 200 mile radius. Obviously. It just was to make it harder for them to find me.

I thought on that gardener while I sped away. He must have had a great work ethic. Or perhaps he was compelled to have one. Either way his blood just made me crave more.

In hindsight, I suppose it was easy for me to be found. I did after all kill everyone on the road heading over. It wasn't too many. Just ten. I fed so hard their heads began to break off of the body. Ripped right off. I wasn't usually a ripper. Not with my humanity on, but soon the craving began to truly take hold. I could stop myself, but now why would I want to?

Everything seemed enchanting until I could feel something shift inside me. I had kept my wolf and vampire side in cages for too long. Keeping them separate I could function, but they had nothing holding them back any longer. No warden and the walls were cracking. I could feel my actions shift inadvertently as those cages of self imprisonment truly fell. The hybrid came to life. I couldn't bring my teeth back in. I was starving!

The wolf and vampire were ready to truly play. I laughed unable to stop myself. Why did I laugh? I couldn't feel anything, but it was bubbling out. A madness. A cruelty I wasn't in charge of. The human was knocked out. The witch encaged. All that were allowed out were the parts that had gone mad with violence over the years.
I walked into the nearest bar and the patrons screamed. I must have looked frightening blood dripping from my fangs to my lower lip running down my jaw. My eyes stuck amber. In a flash I was at each of them not even able to feel content with the blood I was drinking. My claws were out and I was scratching into their bodies as I drained them at vamp speed.
Most wolves didn't get claws until they were halfway into transformation.
My natural nails were already quite long and sharp, but the nails of my wolf half were like blades sharpened to precision. Able to pierce skin without trying. They were bony talons that slashed into them. In moments the whole bar was drained.
I tried to will myself to transform back, to look human when I left. It happened sometimes when I was angry, but now I suppose it was because all of the cells I had put parts of me in to control the beasts I harbored had crumbled.
It was fine I supposed, there was nothing to do about it now. Too late for caring.

I left the bar once my meal had ran dry. A few people on the street looked at me oddly. I had to compel a few to just sit still, that everything was fine. I could've drained them, but didn't wish for more reasons for everyone to hunt me.
I told them that hey'd go home later and their  night was completely uneventful. Then, I killed the other half draining them. I had to reward myself somehow.
For once I began to feel satiated. Just as I had in the bar some blood was wasted dripping down my face. It irked me but I still had a supply roaming around me. I could be bothered later.

As I pulled away from one of my victims, who I had been engrossed in feeding on, I found my twin Nik staring at me.

He stood more than an arms length away. Wise. He didn't wish to repeat the heart ripping out I supposed. Well neither did I. Having my heart ripped out put a dampener on my plans.

My eyebrows raised and I drawled slow and carefully my old thick accent bleeding into my words, "Come to join me, Nik? Do you remember when father was killed and you were able to kill without any fear? Imagine always having that freedom." It was an invitation. I didn't wish to continue the violence between us.

Instead of any eagerness to join me in my spree he just looked hurt, as if I had personally hurt him. I mean I had earlier, but bygones and however that goes. Yeah?
His hurt shifted to disappointment, regret, and just back to hurt, "Viktoria. Why must you do this to yourself? For that witch? Because he left you? Because he hurt you? You will be plagued with guilt over what you have done Viktoria! And for what? A syphon, who does not love you? Who you barely have met? Yet, you long for him so much you turn your humanity off to escape it? You have always had a heart that was breakable, pure. Why do this, when you can come home and talk to us about it?"

My senses were on overdrive. I wanted to believe him. Wanted to come home, turn it on. I remembered the hurt I felt. The hurt Kai and I put each other through, and we had just barely even known each other! That thread I felt to him was still there. I could feel Nik chipping at my no humanity with his words.

Could I go back to it? Bring Kai back from the edge after I myself was so despicable?
No. I planted my foot down and the wolf howled inside me. She was in control and would not be turning her humanity on for family. My teeth extended again and my vision grew sharp.

I whirled as Eijah approached behind me, and my voice came out a guttural rasp, "You think I'd fall for that again, brother?" I spat the words at him in disdain. "You wish to stab me in the back again?"

He gasped involuntarily as he heard me speak, "Oh sister. How could you? How could you fall so far?"

Nik tilted his head and it was almost as if I could see the wheels in his mind turning.
Without letting me answer Elijah began again, "Why did you fully let the wolf out? How could you lose so much control? Fall so far from where you were?"

He seemed astonished and I will admit, I hadn't reverted to being a true wolf vampire hybrid since our mother died. That was the last time my true hybrid half came out. From that point Elijah had tried to teach me control, so that Mikael could never find us.

I had clung to it, but it had made the wolf angry. I scowled at him wishing to kill him. Feast on the blood of a vampire. Take what had already been stolen.

Nik, maybe sensed how the wolf felt. How I felt. His eyes were wide, panicked for the first time in a longtime, "Viktoria. Those walls, those cells I know they took you long to build. Why would you-."
I frowned. Would they ever stop yammering. I just wanted them to let me be.

My tongue darted out in anticipation. Vampire blood would satiate the wolf. She hated vampires. I hated vampires. I was built to kill them. Poison them with my fangs. They were there for a reason.

"This is far worse than I had imagined. I never would have imagined you were so far gone. If I had, I wouldn't have allowed what happened earlier to transpire," Elijah started and continued before I could even begin to piece anything he had said together, "Rebekah come out now. It is time."
What were they going to try to dagger me? That would be a reprieve from them turning on my emotions. Dragging up feelings about Kai. It could maybe give me peace that not even having my humanity off would give me.

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