In My Dreams and Nightmares

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As I lay asleep I could smell cloves. I saw eyes like liquid metal, chilling blue. I could almost see him. It was almost there, but quickly the vision vanished.
I awoke in a cold sweat gasping for air. At one side lay Rebekah, a gentle snore coming from her. At my feet lay Kol wrapped tight in my duvet.
Vaguely, I could access some memories of them. Rebekah and I at the tailor commissioning dresses. She was smiling.
Another memory of Kol with blood dripping down his chin a wicked smile on his own.
They were weak, my memories, I could understand that. As soon as I could glimpse them they were gone.

I could hear birds tweeting outside, chipper and happy. The sun streamed through the window and I could feel it warming me and everything around us.
Kol began to roll around and I pushed at him with my feet to wake him. Lazily, I hoped to not fully get up, yet. Kol, however, was ruining any hopes I had of relaxing.
I shoved at him again and he awoke with a start. His eyes narrowed at me accusatory. "You woke me up. It took so long for me to sleep too, you kept screaming. I needed beauty sleep."

I sat up and returned a glare, "I like to be able to stretch out on my bed. It's impossible with you getting your so-called beauty sleep."
Kol laughed at that his eyes crinkling at the corners. For a moment it was like looking in a mirror. I could see myself echoed in him.

Rebekah awoke with a groan and a mutter. "What was that Bekah dear?" Kol singsonged at her.
Her mouth pursed and blue eyes lit with annoyance, "I was merely saying, that with you two jabbering so loud, no one can get any beauty sleep in this house."

Our quiet morning quickly shifted as a scream sounded from one of the rooms. High and shrill. My eyes widened and I stood running for the sound. Kol flashed to my side and wrapped his arm through mine, "Bet you miss the super speed, yeah?"
I couldn't remember the super speed, and I'm not sure you can truly miss something you can't even recall having, but I was envious of it. I envied that Kol could pull me with him so easily and quickly toward the screaming and crying.

We arrived at the nursery and on the ground collapsed was Hayley. She screamed in pure anguish over and over again. Most of what she cried I couldn't make-out, but one thing was clear. Her baby was gone. Hope was gone.

Nik arrived soon after and lifted Hayley easily shaking her. His face was a mask of rage.

Caroline's POV

It all happened so fast. One minute I was picking out the perfect outfit for little -? Ugh, I kept trying that seeing if that'd help me pick a name, get a feeling about the mystery baby residing inside me. Everything was going perfect which of course should have been a sign that something was inexplicably going to go wrong.

Klaus. Klaus had been helping everything be perfect. He was decorating the nursery according to my binder, and I'd be shopping for clothes, blankets, bedding, bibs.

Then... Oh god. This was seriously what was happening. I was somewhere dark and my eyes worked hard to adjust even with my vampire vision.
I needed to take a deep breath. I couldn't panic, I needed to protect this baby.

A small cry caught my attention and I squinted for the source of the sound. It was small. Like a little child, a baby or toddler. My breath caught and my hand wandered to my stomach protectively. My other hand reached to skim the wall. It was cold and sleek like metal. The little cry sounded again and now I realized it was a cry of fear. I could hear it. It was familiar, something I knew.

Then, I saw her and my heart stopped. Hope, the poor baby, sat on the floor crying softly. Her light auburn hair glimmered even in the darkness. It was definitely her. Without thinking twice I hurried to her and knelt on the concrete ground beside her. "Hope?"

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