That Little Answer to All of Your Problems

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It was off. Instant answer. No more guilt. No more anything. No more crying whimpering piece of me that wanted to be good. Nothing to keep my supernatural pieces at bay.

Why should I be? I'm an Original. We are not good. We are not human.

With my switch off I had nothing to fear, nothing to care for, only myself. No boy drama. All that mattered was me. Flipping your switch is deciding to scream I am all that matters, only myself. That's what it is. Over and over again on repeat. Oh and I did love to think of myself. Though I could feel nothing, I also felt everything. This was being a vampire at its greatest. This was freedom!

My eyes flashed amber for a moment as I regarded Kai before I turned away. He didn't matter. Nothing did anymore. Nothing except for me. I climbed onto the bar. I Kissed a Girl was playing over the speakers.

The hot bartender glanced up in surprise and I knelt down locking my lips. Nothing could hold me back anymore.
No I don't even know your name. It doesn't matter.
I then pulled him up beside me and pulled another girl up as well. "Darling," I locked eyes with him, "It's okay to let loose."
Then, I wound my hands through the girl's hair pulling her into me as the guy danced behind me.
I was putting on a show. That was for sure. It was fun.
It's not what good girls do
I made my way off the bar to the cheers of the patrons as the grabbed at me.
My eyes turned towards Kai. He mouthed, "50." Then mimed cutting throats.

He had killed fifty people? I needed to up my game. I began to pull people into corners and killed a few people there, but this was a college town the population would be gone soon. I did wish to come back here too.
I found Kai as he was slicing the throat of a girl and taking her margarita. "Let's go for a ride. You and me. New York isn't far. We will have far more to kill there."
Instead of taking me up on my, if I may say so, very generous offer. He grabbed me and I fell limp to the floor. When I awoke he smiled, waved bye, and muttered a spell. He was gone. Likely off to the big city.
Fine, he wanted to play it that way? I had drank more than enough blood to get me there with my vamp speed.

I was there in thirty minutes. I found Kai easy enough. He was in the most packed district of the city. Snapping his fingers and people would fall to the ground blood spouting out of their noses and eyes. It was my mission to show him up. Kill more than him, but I didn't know how to do mass murdering spells. I settled for draining them.
By the end of the night my total was near 90 dead. Kai's was at 105. 
He beat me. Who cares? I was tired. Well more so bored. I didn't have to sleep, but sleep was nice. It would keep me at top strength for more mayhem.

My sleep was restless. I was plagued with images. The first spoke softly. Her eyes were sad. She looked almost like Bekah and me.
She was trapped in a spell from another witch, bound in a sigil. The blonde with her sad blue eyes looked frantic. Frightened as she stared at the other witch. The other witch had long dark hair. Her face was sharp. Angular cheekbones and her mouth set in a firm line. I detected no empathy. No humanity. Nothing, but hunger in her gaze. And her eyes chilled me to the bone. They were cold as a shark's and hungering for more. More what? I wasn't sure.

I woke up feeling as if my energy had been drained from me again. I looked frantically around to see if Kai decided to syphon me again.
Nowhere to be found. He was really gone. Perhaps I could have truly cared merely a few days ago. Now it was fine knowing no one was syphoning me.

I stumbled down into the boutique on the lobby floor, I needed new clothes and some blood. Perhaps a car to make the five hour trek back to Mystic Falls, three hours with my kind of driving. I felt no need to do my speed run again. I grabbed a designer leather jacket, black shorts that barely reached my thigh, and a grey shirt. I grabbed their most expensive pair of stilettos as well. The whole outfit I grabbed probably cost hundreds of dollars which I could easily pay for, but why would I? How could that benefit me?
I walked to the clerk and she turned her nose up seeing the state I was in and muttered "She must be a stripper or something." To the associate next to her. 

A Forbidden Love (edited) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt