In the beginning

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"Niklaus, what the hell is happening in here?"
With a wicked smile my brother glanced upward. His eyes gleamed as they met mine with a malicious humor. Always daring me to contradict him. Oh, and how I hoped to.
He held my younger brother, Kol, pinned beneath him. A silver dagger shimmered in his hand as it was poised above Kol's heart. His other hand pinned him down by the neck.
I had heard a commotion and luckily decided to vamp speed downstairs and stumble into such a fortunate situation. I had been itching to fight.

Kol smiled up at me, grinning as if a dagger was not just about to be pushed into his heart.
He raised his eyebrows with a wink, it was his own way of saying, 'Well? Are you going to do something?'
My foot began to tap impatiently as they both paused frozen staring at me. They were fools always waiting for a reaction. My temper began to rise at a threatening pace. I had to choke it down in order to speak again, "Well, does someone want to clue me in to what exactly is happening?"

It was Nik who spoke. When he did, each word managed to grate my nerves exponentially. Perhaps it was his all knowing tone, that tone daring me to contradict him. He always was itching to see who the true 'alpha' was and would have bet everything on himself. I didn't need to take bets. "I don't need to explain myself, little sister." The words would hurt no less spat at my feet. "You have been gone for so long. Who would have known you were a part of this family still? Our matters no longer concern you." He sneered at me for a moment as if forgetting I was mere minutes after him in our order of birth. Had he forgotten I was his equal? His balance? I couldn't help the smile that began to creep onto my face.
I was a wicked one with a quick temper, it should never be forgotten.

My vision grew sharper as my rage reached its peak. Everything was sharper and I saw my entryway when his eyes narrowed glancing at my protruding fangs. In less than a second, I was upon the both of them violently wrenching the dagger from Nik's hands. When I flashed away, I noticed my fangs had drawn blood from my own tongue.
I never did get king to relish in victory. In a breath, Nik was in my space glaring down at me his fist clenched and a look I could only describe as pure rage was on his face. His eyes glanced down to my teeth and his own fangs dropped in response as he foamed and ranted. It was meaningless to me. Likely some blah- blah about his rights as hybrid- as though I'm not.

My own fangs retracted and I let out a quick laugh, "Really proving yourself as a rabid dog. Aren't you Niklaus?" I raised the dagger up towards his jugular, gripping it tight in a silent threat. There was still a distance between us, it was a mere threat. His eyes were still gold and I needed to show power.
I was not afraid to draw blood. Perhaps because he felt my temper had already put me on edge or perhaps he was in a good mood, I wasn't sure as he did something uncharacteristic.

His hands raised in surrender and he began to laugh softly, it sent chills through my bones as it was filled with no joy, "Not bad. Not bad at all my twin." His eyes twinkled against the light, highlighting the dark green-blue, "Do not try it again. I may not concede next time."

Quickly, I brought distance between us. The wall was cool against my back now, but I did not want to be near if his mind changed. My own brows knit in confusion as his smile brightened. With that same happiness he turned towards Kol, "Brother, you should thank my twin for her generosity. She spared you a good daggering." Purposefully, he stepped towards Kol, but Kol stood nonchalant a slight uncaring smirk resting upon his lips even as I noted his eyes moving trying to take in the change of pace.

"Mark my words here, brother. I will speak plainly for you so that you do not mishear the meaning of my speech. Should you murder nearly a hundred of my sired again, I will not just dagger you. That breath you take when I discover your next betrayal of that caliber will be your last." His smile stayed upon his face even as that dark anger filled his gaze once more .

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