I Miss You Every Time I Close My Eyes

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I was sobbing so hard I didn't notice. I didn't notice the rain and thunder that filled the air over the entire town. The world around me was silent to my ears except for my sobs.

You can understand my shock when I heard his voice. "What I got from that is you missed me?" For a moment, I thought I was hallucinating. I threw myself backward shaking as shuddering gasp tore through my mouth.

Kai was still laying there, but his mouth curved into a smile. His gorgeous grey blue eyes the only light in the darkness that surrounded us. His skin had returned to a normal living color and I scrambled towards him.

"How are you-." I couldn't finish my thought. There was no reason to. It didn't matter.

My breath shuddered through my body still. Recovering from my sobs. "I don't even care, how you are back." I threw my arms around him. "I missed you so much. It was only minutes, but it felt like lifetimes."
I held him to me fiercely still shaking. "Viktoria if you break my rib after I have just bypassed death, I'll have to kill you. And even though you don't want to know, you know I'll tell you anyways. I used a protection spell on myself. You know, after meeting your brother I decided your siblings are... I mean they definitely are up there with me. Also, don't ever snap my neck again or I will have to snap yours. It hurts. Protection spell or not, getting your neck snapped is not fun."
I took a breath, breathing him in steadying myself. "I'm sorry."
He sat up completely pulling me with him. Then, he pulled away slightly his eyes staring into mine, "You already spilled your guts to me. I mean you thought I was-."
I began to sob again in earnest. I couldn't calm myself,  I felt so happy and still felt that terrible despair overwhelming me.

Damn him! Stirring all of these emotions. "Woah wait why are you crying. Did you want me to stay dead?"

"No! No," I pulled him to me again gathering him in a hug and holding him close. He was firm and lean beneath me. He wrapped just perfectly into me, "Have you never cried because you are happy?"

He pulled me into him again and spoke into my shoulder, "I don't think I ever felt true happiness until I locked eyes with you. I mean getting my brother's power was a pretty close second. Also, I mean I did just cry for the first time the other day while you were completing your rampage. It sucks. I don't know why people would cry out of happiness. I don't know why anyone cries on purpose."

He bristled beneath me becoming stiff and I cupped his face, "You can share this with me if you want."

"I don't. No, not right now. I haven't shared like this before, and you are so pretty. Did you know you make me kind of nervous because of your prettiness? Yeah. Well." He looked to the side sharply as if a thought had hit him in the head, "Isn't tonight Damon and now Bonnie's back from dead party? We should totally go. I mean crash it, but go. Well I'd have to crash it, I heard him invite you even though you are super crazy and probably should have an invite even less than me. Oh and if we do go, I might bleed a bit. It's okay. Bonnie is just crazy, kind of crazier than you. I mean it's her party and she hates me."

I raised my eyebrows, "Back from the dead and looking for enemies? Do you secretly have a death wish? Also, Bonnie hates you? Bonnie?"

"You tried to kill me. We aren't enemies, so it doesn't make any sense not to be around enemies." He nuzzled into my neck, his warm breath tickling it as he continued to hold me close. I was still straddling him sitting on his lap on the sidewalk. It was a good thing everyone near was already dead or compelled or we would've gotten some strange looks from the locals.

"Bonnie definitely hates me for some reason, legit every time we are even in the same room she tries to kill me or sabotage my every plan. It's not fun for me. I mean when I stabbed her in the gut or when I shot her with the arrow, those were fun times. I really don't understand why she hates me though. I mean she isn't dead, it's not like I was aiming to kill when I totally could've."

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