Another Day. Another Mystery.

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The blonde continued to call for Elijah until a tall dark haired man came in the room. I assumed he was Elijah.

For some reason I felt like a child. That name. His look seemed to pin me and I was frozen.

Somewhere in the unreachable fog I knew that name existed.

A memory flashed similar to that of the blood.
Black and white. A suit. Arms holding me steady. Blood dripping from my throat.

I cleared my throat and gazed at him steadily. I was safe here. I knew I was safe now. I didn't need to run.

Another strange thought. Why, no when had I been running?

His eyes looked steadily at me, "Tell me. What do you remember, Viktoria? Niklaus tells me you are blank. That you have nothing to remember?"

There was a certain sadness in them. His suit was impeccable not even a fleck of dirt on them.

"I'm not sure." A pregnant pause held the room for a moment.
"I get flashes of memories but nothing concrete. The name, Niklaus. I know somewhere it means something. I just can't access it. It's all foggy. Elijah. I can see your suit. I remember you saving me. That's all. It's all lost."

"And that's all?"

"No. No. I remember me, I think. Angry. Red. Blood. Hunger. Thirst. Power. Those words I can see them, there's just barely anything behind them. Names help me."

There was one name I didn't speak. One name guarded in my heart. Kai. Power. I understood that.

Elijah continued staring at me concerned as did Niklaus. No, that name wasn't right. I could feel it was wrong in my mouth. In my head. The name was all wrong.

Both boys shared a worried glance. "Is this-am I home?" Elijah spoke, "It is. You decorated yourself."

I stared at the dark grey walls. There was nothing even signifying a human lived there. It was devoid of life. The bedsheets grey too.

"Ugh. It's depressing here. Was I depressed or something?"
Niklaus laughed a bit staring at me with wonder and sadness, "No. We just moved in. You won't make yourself at home for at least another decade."

Elijah spoke. I noticed his voice was a deep rumble. "Why aren't you responding to the blood, Viktoria?"

Ugh. So he liked questions. Impossible ones too. Ones I'd have no answer to. "I don't know. It's just not there, I don't want it. It's disgusting."

Niklaus looked at me and grabbed a pen off the table stabbing it into my hand resting on my bed. I screamed in pain ripping it from my hand.

Quickly, I scurried from him.
His eyes grew wide. "Why aren't you healing?"

I pulled away. My hand was throbbing. It slowly was healing. I could feel it, it itched.

"Probably because you stabbed me. Goddamn it!" I felt a rage boiling inside me, but it was nothing like those flashes. That angry hunger that tore through me before.
"You son of a bitch." I howled, the pain of it lacing back together was not fun.

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