I Loved You

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Kai's POV

I meet her before she's at the door of her house. The rain is sticking to my skin but I grab her by her shoulders. For a moment her eyes are bright, then just like that it's gone.
Her mouth purses and for a brief flash I remember what they feel like all too well until her narrowed eyes meet mine.
I can't say the emotion I see in her eyes, but it's frantic. Power sparks within her and I unintentionally draw at it.
With a hiss of pain she pulls back. "Who are you?"

Viktoria's POV

For a brief moment a blinding pain filled my mind as soon as I locked eyes with his slate blues. It was as if something inside me was screaming to be let out. If I had known him, I would've allowed myself to physically double over the pain so intense. It had felt as if he was unbundling me at my source and for a moment the the fog cleared before it rushed back to me with full force growing even denser.

Instead of knowing him as something inside screamed I must, the only thing I began to feel was mere annoyance as Stefan came behind me his hand possessive on my shoulder as if I had not just thrown him back into the foliage. I didn't push it away, no not when I had a possible enemy to face right in front of me. It was best to fight one battle at a time, that much I could remember from my lives before this.

I created a shield of magic around me, the onyx haired man's eyes only crinkled. He was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. That only made him more dangerous, a freshly sharpened spear. There was something so very familiar about him. In seconds after using my spell my magic was sapped from me. "That'll recharge later, but like I gotta ask, why are you trying to defend yourself from me?"
His voice held layers of what I could only assume was haughtiness. He had stolen bits of my power yet I could still feel it thrumming around me, just out of my reach.

Stefan stepped forward his fangs drawn and for a moment I was aghast. I held multiple lifetimes of being able to protect myself in my memories, and just for those brief passing seconds I felt the terrible blood lust I must've once felt. In my mind fangs brushed against my tongue. I could taste copper on my tongue.
Then, it was gone. I was powerless once more. A witch with no power. A wolf who couldn't turn. It was as though I was drowning on land. I may as well have had no air in my lungs.

A cry of annoyance burst from my throat though I remained powerless against Stefan and the boy with slate blues for the moment. Stefan's veins pulsed beneath the sunlight as he stepped forward, "She has no clue who you are. You're nothing now. Another villain for my brother to kill."

The boy with those eyes like steel would've dropped his fangs if he had any. I could read it in his body language and my own spirit, my very being, felt pulled towards him. The pull was so strong I took a shaky swift step backwards. I couldn't be near him.

"Now Stephano, we don't want me to have to get violent. I merely wish to see my girl. It's not like that's a lot to ask for." His eyes twinkled, but I was stuck on what he said. His girl. Suddenly, I have to grab on to the handle of door. It's cool but my mind is burning. Bile rises in my throat, it tastes like copper.

I feel like I'm dying all over again, but it's not Stefan who notices. It's Kai. His hands reach out propping me up and his rings feel colder than the door grounding me. "Hey. I got you. If you throw up on me I might get angry, just a warning."

Everything feels blurry and all I can feel is his rings on me holding me tight. His words though, they ring loud and clear, "Help me get her inside."

————————Kai's POV————————

    She's barely awake now with blood running from the side of her mouth. Her head lulls to the side and her eyes are unfocused as they stare at me. For a moment she seems to see me her mouth closing and opening. When she speaks her voice is soft almost like a caress, it's kind. I know it's kindness in it. I think. "My love." Her hand weakly comes up to hold my face and then she's out again.
My hands clutch her as I shove in through the door. Useless Stefan just stands there his eyes staring at her before he tries to grab me. "Are you doing something? Killing her?"

I want to kill him in that moment, but instead I syphon from him until he falls to his knees. It's all I can do for now with her in my arms.

Caroline's POV

I am barely awake, the child inside me raging against me from me not eating. I'm leaning heavily against Juliet and Henrik is using his magic to keep me propped up.

My hand falls to my stomach as we round the hill to the mansion. "Almost home little one. Almost home."

I imagine Klaus is speaking to me. "Carry on. You are a fighter. It's why I love you." His eyes are that gorgeous blue-green, dark and urging me to continue.

I awaken to Juliet setting me down under a large willow. Her voice is soft even as her eyes are hard. They're the eyes of a Mikaelson, unwavering, unrelenting. "Can you walk now? I could carry you further if you need but-." Her voice trails off and she looks at Not-Damon and her brother. Not- Damon is holding Hope and suddenly my exhaustion leaves me. I'm protective of her, okay? She's a baby, I don't know who wouldn't be. I, also, definitely don't know Not-Damon.

My legs definitely want to collapse beneath me as I use the tree to help myself up. The wood is also definitely biting into my hands, but I can do this. I'm not a baby and I'm tortured basically like monthly. I can definitely get myself home.

Not- Damon stares at me unblinking as I grab Hope from his arms. She's warm and laughs happily as I pick her up. "Found your legs, little vampire?" Not-Damon's voice purrs at me. His accent thick and unmistakably not-Damon. I'm beginning to wonder how I ever mistook him as Damon. This man is crueler, unrefined and ancient. After being around old vampires I think I'm beginning to develop a sixth sense for it.

Then, for a moment, he feels oddly familiar as his eyes rake over me. It reminds me of how Damon would stare at me before he attacked me for my blood. It's safe to say I don't like it and I look away.  This is a dangerous vampire. I can feel it in my gut. I need to get us out of here.

Looking away is a bad choice. It seems to delight him. He steps away his laugh ringing. "Don't worry. I'm not interested."

"Julius!" Juliet admonishes, but I don't care what his name is or who he is. I'm angry. "Good because I'd rip your heart out and eat it. Klaus Mikaelson, you may have heard of him, he's the father of my child and boyfriend, he'd do far worse." I don't think I realized the impulsivity of my words until they leave my mouth. Stupid.

This alights a new mood. Almost everyone except, the basically comatose blonde, shift uncomfortably trading a sidelong glance to each other. I'm curious. "What? Am I missing something? Seriously, you better fill me in now before I hear it from the Mikaelsons."

Not-Damon, aka Julius, acts unamused beginning to walk again leaving us to scramble after him. "I know Klaus. He's tried to kill me a few times. His sister has killed me, twice."  Great, another Mikaelson foe. I walked face first into that one.

"Rebekah tried to kill you? Never mind. You aren't special, I think at this point all the Mikaelsons have tried to kill me once." His eyes narrow, but he continues on unbothered. "I apologize, I meant his twin sister. Both have a temper and don't like to listen to true ration."

At this I turn to Hope meeting her wide blue eyes, "You better not inherit the Mikaelson temper or we'll be having a problem." Hope laughs at this as if she knows something I don't.

Then, I look forward and dread fills me. It's all open field as far as I can see, after that a dense forest. "No one can vamp speed? No witchy healing me so I can vamp speed?"


Victoria's POV

The dark haired boy makes me feel ill and my brain fills with smoke. My mouth is wet and coppery. My body aches, but I know him.

I loved him. I love him....

The smoke keeps swirling. It's hard to form a thought.

Who is he?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2023 ⏰

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