Anger? Sadness? Well Something is Back.

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Rebekah came out holding a presumably drugged Kai by the nape of his collar. Something inside me stirred; however faint it was, it began to raise up against the wolf in control. My heart beat leapt as I noticed his condition.

He wasn't moving. His arms were limp and his shoes dragged against the ground as Rebekah pulled him. My fangs went back and the wolf began to back down. I needed to think smart.

Was he dead? If he was dead that was bad to say the least. My stomach churned, but I kept my face neutral. Not betraying anything. Not asking anything. I'd know soon enough.

Rebekah answered my question for me, "We are going to kill him Viktoria. We are going to kill him because of you. Because you loved him and because you are out of control."

"I dare you to." My fangs flashed back out. I couldn't help it. My claws came out again as well. It was just a quick show before they retracted. "I promise you what follows will be worse than what followed you attempting to dagger me. I will rip everyone's head off if you try anything! I promise you if you hurt him, you will all pay." I looked to Nik, "Do anything. Even witness them do something to him and I'll punish you the most for your betrayal."
I stared at them rage boiling inside of me. Something had changed. I felt cornered.

Rebekah rolled her eyes and she grabbed Kai tight by each shoulder. Elijah, who stood by her, pulled a blade out of his pocket.

Without me being able to blink he stabbed it into Kai's stomach. I gasped and a brutal howl was torn from my throat.

No. No. This wasn't happening. They were going to torture him to get me to turn my humanity back? A soft no escaped my lips as Nik bit savagely into Kai's neck. He pulled away blood coating his lips and his smile wicked and large.
When Elijah stabbed him in the leg, I let out a deep growl.

Elijah smiled, "Voila. There. I saw it, no need to deny it. This syphon is your switch."
I was attempting to push it away. Not let tears fall. My voice sounded raspy with the effort, "I have no switch."

Rebekah stared at me. Her eyes were hard and almost pleading, "We will kill him, Tori. You know we are more than capable. He's your switch. Turn it on, so he can be saved."
Something inside me snapped. I knew they'd torture him to the point that he'd want to die.
For now he was barely conscious, but he'd come to eventually. They'd kill him slowly just to spite me. I felt helpless. The beast inside me hated being backed into the corner.

We'd done it before to numerous people, but this was different. "You think that you can control me?" I searched each of their eyes, and saw their certainty in him being my switch. Only Nik looked impish. Knowing something before I did... I should've paused. Analyzed his smile. Why his dimples were showing.
I didn't. Everything that followed was on instinct.

"You think you have found my switch? The way to control me?"
Without thinking I flashed forward snapping Kai's neck. I hadn't even realized I was doing it until it was done. Why would I do such an impulsive, terrible thing? He didn't want to die. I mean who did? But he told me over and over, 'I don't want to die. I don't want your family to kill me.'

He told me that and I killed him. He never had suspected I'd be the destroyer. Inside the wolf knew, knew she was the destroyer of all. I couldn't take it. Could barely comprehend it. My legs shook with the effort to keep me upright in front of them. They'd pay.

I hoped they couldn't see me shaking with the effort to keep myself upright. It was as if my heart had been torn out and I was still standing. I hadn't blacked out though I so desperately wished to.

When I snapped his neck Rebekah gasped dropping him. He fell truly limp. Elijah stepped away eyes wide, and Nik... Nik had the audacity to smirk. He seemed almost happy that I killed someone who my heart called for.

"See I told you. I have no switch." My voice was soft, threatening them to try more. Those tears were extremely close to the surface now. I kept them at bay instead I looked up and straightened my shoulders. "Do you wish to test me again? See who else I am okay with killing? I promise you I have no qualms killing anyone. Actually, I'd like you to test me just so I can torture you. I have so many ideas. The wolf has so many ideas." My voice carried strong suddenly as I threatened them. I could keep those tears at bay until I was alone. I would stay standing until I was alone. I couldn't let them see. All of my emotions were drowned in grief and anger from betrayal. They'd taken my heart and forced me to rip it to pieces.

Nik's smile turned grim and he nodded to Rebekah and Elijah. They left first and I stared at him. He seemed as if he wanted to say something, but I couldn't stand it. "Go get out of here! Leave before I become truly annoyed with your antics." I shooed him.

I was furious with them for putting Kai in danger while I was off the rails. I was broken. My heart crushed. We were just beginning to be pulled to each other in our long journey. I knew it in my heart. I could feel it in the thread that now felt tight. When Nik finally flashed away, I collapsed to the ground near Kai.

I was so heavy with grief I couldn't bare to hold myself up any longer. The weight was too much for even me.

I could just barely drag myself to be truly beside his broken bloody body. When I did reach him, I lay my head on his chest gazing up at him. My hand holding his head to a more natural angle, so I could gaze upon him once more. My other hand softly traced the planes of his face reaching up to stroke his soft hair. My head was rested against his heart that no longer beat.

"Oh Kai," my voice came out a crackling whisper between sobs and sniffles, "I am so sorry." I sniffled pitifully. "I am so sorry. You were my weakness, and I didn't want anyone to exploit it. They would've tortured you. Killed you, and I just wanted it to be fast for you. I didn't think. I am so very sorry."

Another sob wracked my body as I held onto him. These were my final words and he wasn't around to hear them. The knowledge struck me as another harsh blow.

"We've only known each other for a short while. In the span of my life, one would count it as mere seconds, but I know. I read the newspaper about you. I asked Damon. And... and my heart knew long before my mind. It knew our destinies were meant to be intertwined. I could feel the thread holding us to each other. I ruined it. I am so sorry that I loved you, that I made it obvious. That I allowed you to be a weakness to me. I do. I do love you in a way I don't think I have loved before. I know you are knee deep in your own crap, you are the leader... were the leader of a coven. My siblings, somehow, thought it was okay to bring you into my own mess. I'm so sorry I turned my humanity off because I was scared to love you. Scared to listen. It hurt so much to hurt you in anyway. If I knew where the white oak was I'd die right here by your side. It hurts me the most that you'll never know how I felt."

I was sobbing even harder now if that was possible. My words barely audible. I was a blubbering mess for the first time in a long long eternity, "Malachai Parker. You are psychotic. A murderer. You like to talk and when you do feel emotion I know it eats you up inside. I got you into this mess and for that I am so so very sorry. I am sorry you will never get to see everyone you hate die. You'll never get to hear me talk and talk for hours spilling my entire heart while staring into your beautiful eyes. You'll never get to atone as you so desperately wished to. We will never get to wake up at each other's side purposely. I am sorry Kai. I am so very sorry."

We must've been a sight. Me covered in blood sobbing hysterically as I bared my soul draped over Kai. Kai whose hair was messed up. Kai who stood forever still. White and ashen.

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